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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Year 1

Home learning - 23.04.24


This week we will be focusing on PE for our home learning.

For PE this Learning Block, we will be doing some athletics. 


Can you do some research to find out more about athletics, such as:

1) What are some examples of sports in athletics?

2) Choose one of the sports and find out 3 rules about that sport.

3) What sport is your favourite and what would you like to practise/learn more about?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Spare clothes bag


If you would like your child to bring their spare change of clothes back over the Easter holidays, please let us know on the gate tomorrow and we can send them home with it. 


Thank you, 


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 26.03.24


Over the half term, please continue to practise the fundamental skills in Writing, Reading and Maths. 


Writing - Continue to practise writing a sentences with a capital letter, finger spaces, a conjunction 'and' and a full stop. Remember your sentence must have a noun (person/place/thing) and a verb (action or being part). 


Reading - please continue to read with your child as much as possible and recording each time in their diaries. If they have read to you 3 times in the week (and it is recorded in their diary), they will have their name put into a raffle prize where they could win some fab prizes! 


Maths fluency - the children will be sent home with their number sense booklets. Number sense is a daily session that teaches the children different strategies to work out simple addition and subtraction calculations. Please ask your children to complete the booklets or, if they have finished, make up some similar facts for them to practise. So far we have learnt the following strategies -

- 1 more, 1 less

- 2 more, 2 less

- Number 10 fact families

- Five and a bit

- Know about zero


After Easter, we will be learning about 'Doubles and Near Doubles' so to help your child prepare, learning some doubling facts would be great. 


I hope you have a lovely Easter holidays. Thank you for all of your hard work. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 12.03.24


This week we will be focusing on PE for our home learning.


Practise the following balances we have been learning about in our gymnastics lessons.

Remember to hold them for 5 seconds, focusing on showing stability by tensing your muscles so they are tight. 

  • tuck
  • straddle
  • pike
  • star
  • dish
  • arch


Once you have practised the shapes, have a go at creating a routine that includes at least 3 balances and 3 pathways (moving around in between the balances using different types of travel e.g. hopping, skipping, rolling, jogging).


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home Learning - 05.03.24


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block D.


The three questions for this week are:


1) What does the word 'material' mean?


2) Can you list the materials we have learnt about so far?


3) Have a look around your home and write down some objects you can see. For each object, label what type of material it is made from.


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home Learning - 27.02.24


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning.  Open our Computing knowledge organiser (Animated Story Books) and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block D. 


The three tasks for this week are:


1) Make sure your child can log into Purple Mash independently.


2) Your child has started to make an animated story book (E-Book) on Purple Mash. They have saved this in 'My Work'. Open this story and add another page about your animal character (remember to use the drawing tool to draw your animal and text tool to add writing to your pages). 


3) Save your work so we can continue to add more to it in our Computing lessons! Next lesson we'll be looking at how we add animations to our stories. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 

Home learning - 20.02.24


This week we will be focusing on RE for our home learning. In Learning Block D, we are learning about The Easter Story. 


The three questions for this week are:


What city did Jesus arrive in and how did he arrive here?


What happened to Jesus after he was arrested by the soldiers and who betrayed him by showing the soldiers where he was?


How did Mary Magdalene know that Jesus had come back alive? 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 06.02.24


Over the half term, please continue to practise the fundamental skills in English, Maths and Reading. 


English - writing a sentence with a capital letter, finger spaces, a conjunction 'and' and a full stop.


Maths fluency - being able to recall these facts automatically without counting - number bonds to 10, adding and subtracting 1 or 2 from numbers up to 10. 


Reading - please continue to read with your child as much as possible and recording each time in their diaries. If they have read to you 3 times in the week (and it is recorded in their diary), they will have their name put into a raffle prize where they could win some fab prizes! 


Have a wonderful half term! Thank you for all of your hard work. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 30.01.24


This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning. Open our Art knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Art so far during Learning Block C. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is the name of the artist who creates colourful abstract paintings?


What different type of lines have we learnt about? Can you draw some examples of them? 


Create your own piece of artwork with a theme of water? Think about the different lines, shapes and colours you can use to represent water.  


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 23.01.24


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. Open our Science knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Science so far during Learning Block C. 


The three questions for this week are:


What are the 3 groups that we can sort animals into based on what they eat? 


What are the other groups we can sort animals into based on their features?


Why is a lizard a reptile? 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 16.01.24


This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning. Open our Geography knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Geography so far during Learning Block C. 


The three questions for this week are:


Can you name the 4 countries in the United Kingdom?


What is the capital city of Scotland?


We have learned about Scotland so far. Research this country and write down 5 facts that you have discovered. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home Learning 09.01.24


This week we will be focusing on RE for our home learning.  Use the knowledge you have learned in RE so far during Learning Block C. 


The two questions for this week are:


What is The Creation Story about?


Can you draw pictures and write some sentences about what happened on the in The Creation Story? You could either do this as a story map, a story board or however you want to! Be creative! 


You can choose to complete either one or both questions. I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Thank you all so much for my lovely Christmas hamper. It is so kind of you all. 


I hope you have a lovely Christmas and enjoy making special memories with your family and friends. 


Lots of Love,


Miss Maidment xx 



We made it to Christmas! Please take a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy your holiday.


Don't forget to keep practising your reading, writing and maths. 


Reading - read at least 3 times a week. It would be great if you could keep recording this in your diary.

Writing - Correct letter formation. Spellings of Year 1 words (can be found in planner).

Maths - Counting forwards and backwards up to 100, addition and subtraction facts of numbers up to 10, 2D and 3D shapes. 


I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Maths for our home learning.  Open our Maths knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Maths so far during Learning Block B. 


The three questions for this week are:


Practise number bonds to 10. You should be able to recall these speedily without having to use your fingers to work it out. 


Calculate the answers to these subtraction number facts of 9. 

9 - 3 = 

9 - 6 = 

9 - 1 = 

9 - 8 = 

____ = 9 - 5

____ = 9 - 9


Represent your findings either with drawings of counters, bead strings or a number line. Or however you wish!


You can choose to complete one or two questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on History for our home learning.  Open our History knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in History so far during Learning Block B. 


The three questions for this week are:


1) What were toys like 100 years ago? 70 years ago? In the last 20 years? (think of what types of toys were played with or what they were made of).

2) How do we know about what toys were like in the past? 

3) Speak to an adult (either your mums/dads or grandparents or even great grandparents!) and ask them what their toys were like when they were growing up. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Computing and Phonics for our home learning.  Open our Computing Pictogram knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Computing so far during Learning Block B. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is a pictogram?


Complete the 2Do 'Green Class Pictogram' on purple mash. 


Have a play on the phonics game set as a 2Do - focusing on the sounds ch, sh, ai, ar, ee, er, or.


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete online next week. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Use the knowledge you have learned in Science so far during Learning Block B.

The three questions for this week are:


1) Can you name 10 different body parts?


2) What are the 5 senses?


3) What body part is associated with each sense?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on RE for our home learning.  Use the knowledge you have learned in RE so far during Learning Block B.

The three questions for this week are:


1) In Judaism, what does the word mitzvah mean?


2) Can you give some examples of good deeds? 


3) Draw a picture of a mitzvah and label what is happening.


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment


Well done for reaching the end of Learning Block A! :)  


For home learning this week, it would be great for your child to practise reading and spelling the Year 1 Common Exception Words alongside some handwriting. It's really important to make sure your child is forming their print letters correctly. (Please see the photo and link below for handwriting and Y1 Common Exception Words).


Whilst you are off don’t forget to also be continuing reading real/alien words and number bonds practice too - especially with numbers up to 10. 


Have an enjoyable and restful break.


Miss Maidment




This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning.  Open our Art Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Art so far during Learning Block A.

The three questions for this week are all about shapes!


1) Which artist enjoyed painting cats and kittens?


2) What is abstract art?


3) How can you make a darker shade of a colour? 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the meeting on Friday afternoon. It was lovely to see so many faces and share what this year will look like for your children. 


For those of you unable to attend, or those who want to look back at the information shared please find the links above with the details.  


Kind regards, 


Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Maths for our home learning.  Open our Maths Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Maths so far during Learning Block A.

The three questions for this week are all about shapes!


1) Can you name some 2D shapes? 


2) Can you draw and describe the properties of a square and a circle? 


3) Compare a triangle and a rectangle. What is the same and what is different?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment

Hi all, 

Just a quick reminder to please name your child's uniform, especially jumpers! 

If your child is coming into school with laces on their shoes, please also keep practising with your child to get them tying them at home. 

Thank you, 

Miss Maidment 



This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Geography so far during Learning Block A.

The three questions for this week are:


1) Can you name the 4 seasons?


2) Can you describe what happens in each season? For example, in spring the temperature starts to increase so it is getting warmer. Easter is a Christian festival which is celebrated in spring. Baby lambs and chicks are born.


Choose a season and create a piece of artwork that resembles that season. It could be a busy beach for summer or a snowy Christmas scene for winter.    


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning.  Open our Geography Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Geography so far during Learning Block A.

The three questions for this week are:


What is an 'aerial view'?


What does the word 'location' mean?


Have a go at drawing a map of your home. Can you label some key features such as your bed, garden or TV? Challenge - can you draw a 'key' to show what the symbols represent?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. A big well done and thank you for some fantastic pieces of home learning from last week! 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning.  Open our Computing knowledge organiser (Online Safety) and use the knowledge you have learned in Computing so far during Learning Block A.

The task for this week is:


Please get your child to independently log in to Purple Mash using their username and password. These can be found in your child's planner.


They can then continue to create their avatar. First, click on the avatar image (the picture by your child's name). Then, choose 'edit avatar' to open the avatar creator tool. Experiment with the different choices until you are happy with your avatar. Click 'Ok' when you have finished. 


I look forward to seeing your work on Purple Mash next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Important Notices -

PE days are Tuesday and Friday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit. 


Rabbits library slot is every Friday. Please send your child into school with their library book if they wish to change it. 


RWI home reading books will be changed every Monday
