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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Behaviour in School

A Summary of the Behaviour policy


We believe in a positive approach to all behaviour issues. Children will be encouraged to make choices about their behaviour and to understand the consequences of their actions. There will be rewards and sanctions. We will always be fair, uphold Christian values and treat each other with courtesy and respect. We believe in nurturing children’s self esteem and confidence. We will praise and reinforce good behaviour and encourage children that it is ‘just like them’ to behave so. If behaviour is unacceptable, children will be told it is ‘not like them.’ In this way, children come to believe better of themselves and this affects the way they choose to behave.


School Code


These are the 6 simple rules agreed by everyone at school:


• Love everybody

• Be a good friend

• Look after ourselves

• Look after each other

• Look after our school

• Give everyone another chance


These are phrased in positive terms and language that everyone can understand.


Our Principles


  • Children should be in a safe environment at school and free from fear.
  • High self-esteem is the key to positive behaviour.
  • Children will be treated as individuals.
  • There is a need for good, consistent communication between home and school.
  • Children need clear boundaries within which to enjoy school life.
  • Children need opportunities to become more responsible for their own behaviour, e.g. making good choices and recognising consequences.


Self-esteem affects behaviour, learning and relationships. Every child needs praise, success, recognition and affection to encourage high self-esteem. A child can accept challenge in learning and relationships if s/he can draw on high self-esteem. A child with low self-esteem either resorts to negative attention-seeking behaviours or becomes withdrawn. Both of these affect learning and can become a negative cycle.


Our aim at Trinity is to promote self-esteem in order to maintain a positive learning environment.


When things go well:

• Teacher congratulation such as ‘well done’ may be given verbally or as a written comment on work.

• Stickers or stamps may be used to highlight achievements or good behaviour.

• Golden time - everyone deserves a weekly ‘free choice’ session as a reward for keeping the rules.

• Class reward - each KS1 and KS2 class collect marbles in a jar for good behaviour and hard work.  When all have been collected, the whole class receives the agreed reward.

• Trinity superstar - each week, one child is chosen as the class superstar of the week for good behaviour, progress or attainment. They will receive a certificate in the post, applause in whole school Worship time, their picture up on the wall for the week and their name on the school newsletter.

• Special person - each week one child is celebrated by their classmates.


When things go wrong:

• Time out is used after two warnings as a thinking or ‘cooling off’ time.

• Golden time - can be lost in blocks of 5 minutes for not keeping the school code. However, it can be earned back with improved behaviour.

• Removal of privileges - e.g. loss of playtime, use of certain toys, limited choice of who to play with or which playground zone to use etc.

• Withdrawal from the classroom - for a short time in order to work without distracting others.


Serious or on-going unacceptable behaviour is dealt with according to its nature. This will involve referral to the Head teacher and informing parents. Children are warned about the next level of sanction in order that they understand the consequences of their choices. Occasionally children require an Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) or support from an external support agency. Ultimately, an exclusion from school may be made by the Head teacher.


Individual behaviour plans are used when everyday classroom strategies are not having the desired effect and behaviour is consistently

disruptive or unsafe. The school will liaise with parents to write the IBP.


Record keeping: No public individual records are kept of good or bad behaviour but personal records may be kept by the teacher.  Members of staff may discuss behaviour issues within staff meetings or with external support agencies.




Parents are kept informed about good and bad behaviour by contact at the end of the day, liaison in link books, evidence of stickers and certificates etc. Just as parents do at home, class teachers will deal with day-to-day low level behaviour issues as a matter of course. Once dealt with, these small matters are considered closed, so that children can move on. Teachers do not, therefore, report every small incident back to parents unless they become a consistent or ongoing problem. Teachers will give feedback about your child’s day to day social interactions and behaviour at consultations and in reports. The Head teacher or a senior member of staff will contact parents in the event of serious behaviour incidents. Please be assured that school staff will not discuss details of your child’s behaviour with any other parents.


Bullying is persistent, intentional and involves some inequality of power. It can be physical, verbal or silent. Trinity does not tolerate bullying of any kind. If we discover that an act of bullying or intimidation has taken place, we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour, in liaison with both sets of parents as well as the children. We do everything in our power to ensure that all children attend school free from fear.


Details of parenting courses to support families are often made available.


For full details please read the policy in the School Policies section.


