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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Children's Health, Welfare and Safety

Children's Health, Welfare and Safety


At Trinity, your child’s health, welfare and safety is of prime importance to all staff.  We all work to keep children as safe as possible during the school day, and special attention is given to collection arrangements at the end of the day. We will need to keep medical information about your child on file and make arrangements with you for the management of conditions such as asthma or anaphylaxis, or for children on long term medication. We have a relatively large number of qualified first aiders and we have good links with the school doctor, nurse and dentist.  All staff members and regular volunteers are routinely DBS checked


We have qualified first-aiders on site under the direction of the Appointed First-Aider, and if your child has an accident, they will make a decision about further action. We need up to date contact details in school in case of such an emergency and would ask for your co-operation and vigilance in this. At least one member of staff on each school trip will also have basic first-aid training. Please note: We do administer plasters when required, please let the office know if your child is allergic to them. Staff will tackle splinters with tweezers as necessary.


Please be patient with us if we need to phone you for assistance if required! We are also required to telephone you to inform you when your child has a bumped head so that you can be vigilant for any signs of concussion later in the day.


There are routine visits by the school nurse and the school dentist. We will notify you of these visits and follow up any request for an individual appointment. We need to keep up to date information on any medical needs which your child has. Please make an early appointment with the class teacher or Headteacher to discuss these.


Unfortunately, your child may come into contact with another child who has head lice while at school. These troublesome mites can be picked up anywhere children meet, as they literally walk from head to head. Health authority guidance is summarised here for reference. Any pharmacist will also be able to advise you. We will display a notice in the windows or in the newsletters if several cases appear.

Detection: Use a detection comb (available from a pharmacy) in good light, and on clean hair. Start at the top of the head and work down, keeping the teeth of the comb in contact with the scalp. This takes 10-15 mins to do properly. You will find the lice on the teeth of the comb, legs moving, but not much bigger than a pinhead.

Treatment: Treat everyone in your home who has been found to have lice using head lice treatment (not ordinary shampoo). Ask your local chemist for advice about which lotion to use and follow the directions given. Apply a second treatment 7 days later.

Check all heads a day or two after the second treatment. If you are still finding living lice, seek further help from your chemist, health visitor, school nurse or GP.


If your child wets themselves during the school day, we will give them clean dry clothes to change into, and send the wet things home in a plastic bag. Where a child needs help in changing underwear, two adults will be present. You will be informed by telephone.  Please wash and return spare underwear to school as soon as possible.  If your child soils themselves at school, we will give them clean clothes to change into, but we will also contact you. You will usually be asked to come and collect your child, as they will need to be washed or bathed in order to be fully clean, and an accident of this nature usually indicates that a child is unwell. Except under medical circumstances, facilities for staff to administer such intimate care at school are not available. Please speak to the class teacher or Headteacher in confidence, and at the earliest opportunity if your child suffers from a medical condition which has implications for their toileting.
