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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Home learning 10.07.23

Tomorrow, the children will come home with a sentence to learn for our Reception summer worship. Please could you help them to learn the sentence off by heart. We have been talking about having confidence to speak with a loud clear voice. We can't wait to share our learning with you!


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning 03.07.23

This half term, we are looking at Rights and Responsibilities in RSE. Could your adult give you a responsibility that you need to complete this week? It could be something daily for example make your bed, your clear away your dinner plates. Or you might have the responsibility of taking out the weekly bin. Once you have completed your responsibility of the week you could email a photo into the office for you to share with the class. 


Polite Notice

With the weather turning could you please ensure that your child has a waterproof jacket in school so they are still able to enjoy outdoor play. I can provide them with a jacket from our provision but I'm sure they would rather wear their own. 

Kind Regards


Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning 26.07.23

During summer 2 we are focusing on stories from the past. using mini mash can you re-write one of your favourite stories. Will you make a change? To do this log into your mini mash account. inside you will see a teacher sat next to a book. click onto the book and then click on 2create a story. This will take you into the program. From here you can start writing your story and drawing a picture for each part remember you can also record your voice saying your sentence too. Once you have finished save it into your tray. I can't wait to read them. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Hot days at school


Just a little note to reassure you that during hot days at school we do our best to ensure that your child has as much shaded time outside as possible. We are regularly filling up water bottles as the children are being given plenty of time throughout the day to hydrate so if your child comes home with a full water bottle please don't worry. Please keep providing them with a sun hat and cream them in the morning before school. 

Thank you 

Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning 12.06.23


This week we have began our RE unit Why is God so important to Christians? In class, the children discussed about the name GOD and why it is special. We then spoke about our own names and why they are so important and special to us. Could you make your own name box? using an old shoe box or a cereal box can you decorate it with your name and any cuttings of pictures or stickers that are of interest to you. Inside your box can you put something in that is important to you. It might be a photo or a toy. You can bring your boxes in on Friday to share with your friends. 


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson 

Learning Block F - knowledge organiser

School trip update

Please could you ensure that your child wears leggings, jogging bottoms or jeans to the school trip. We will be going into the long grass meadows so this will help to keep them comfortable. 


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson 


Home Learning WB 22.05.23

Your child came home with log in details for NumBots and TTRS. Please could you have a go at logging into your account on NumBots and having a look at what you can do on the site. Any problems please contact the office so we can try to resolve. It would be great if you can support your child in learning their details for NumBots and Purple Mash so they can access these sites independently during explore time. 


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning 09.05.23

This week, I am going to give squirrels a challenge to make sure they have read with an adult or older sibling at least three times this week. This could be reading their read write inc book, a loved book from home or practising their sounds and keywords from their tins. Please make sure that you record their reading in their reading journal for the three times so that they can be entered into our raffle to win a book or item of their choice!!! This will also give you time to complete last weeks learning of your family tree. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning 2.5.23

This term, we are learning all about Kings and Queens. In light of the upcoming coronation we have looked at the Royal family tree and ordering the heirs to the throne. Could you create your family tree? You could draw portraits of your family members or use photos and order them. You could start from grandparents or even great grandparents. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson

Home Learning Summer 1 Week 2

This week I would like the children to revisit there knowledge of shapes. We have looked at 2D and 3D shapes and started to investigate how we can identify them by their properties. e.g A square has four equal sides and four corners. A cuboid has 6 faces. Can you go on a shape hunt at home? I have put two worksheets in the children's bags for them to use or you could take a picture of your findings and send it to the office. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson

Good evening, 

As it begins to warm up around school, the children are prone to wanting to take their jumpers off. Could you please ensure that all school uniform items are labelled to ensure that we can support the children in bringing the correct uniform home with them at the end of the school day. On sunny days, could you please make sure that your child has a named sun hat in school and that you have applied a long lasting sun screen to them as they will spend long periods outside. 

Thank you 

Mrs Hodgson  

Home Learning Summer 1 Week 1 


As the warm weather approaches, we are looking forward to spending more time learning outdoors. The PTA have kindly donated a wonderful new mud kitchen for the children to enjoy. This week, I would like the children to come up with their own mud kitchen recipe that can be laminated and put into our new area for the children to use. When thinking about your ingredients remember that they must be items that we have available to us so that the children are able to create each others recipes when exploring in this area. 

I will attach some examples for you. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Gentle Reminder,

Please can you ensure that you are only putting water into your child's drink bottles for school. Unfortunately, juice and squash are not allowed. 

Thank you for your understanding.


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Growing and Changing

Easter garden pictures

Home learning Week 5

This half term in RE, we have been trying to answer the question Why is there a cross in a Easter garden? For your home learning, could you use resources at home to create your own Easter garden? Or you could design one on paper making sure to label it. Please take a picture of your wonderful creations and email them into the office so we can share in class. 

Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Good evening, 

Just some gentle reminders.

- Please ensure that children are only having water in their water bottles at school.

- Please make sure that your child has a spare set of clothes in a names PE bag in school at all times. 

- Please make sure you are regularly going through your child's sounds,keywords and reading book with them and noting this in their home learning books.


Thank you 

Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning 7.3.23

This week we have been learning about the different names given to baby and adult animals and life cycles. For your home learning this week, could you make a life cycle poster of either a Butterfly or a Frog?

I look forward to sharing these with the class this coming week. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning 27.02.23

Our new topic Growing and changing is well under way. This week we have been looking at 'changes' using our prior knowledge of seasons to understand the changes that occur in our environment around us. This week could you create a life cycle of a deciduous tree? I have posted some examples of how you could present this. 

Home Learning - 21.2.23


As you would have seen from the letter that came out today, next Thursday (2nd March) is World Book Day.  For this day, we are asking everyone to create a wooden spoon / potato character to represent your favourite book.  (Please see the letter for a couple of ideas of how these could look).  This will be your home learning for this week. We would like you to bring them in on Thursday with the book you have chosen to be able to share them with your class for our 'drop everything and reads.' 


Can't wait to see what you create.  


Kind regards, 


Mrs Hodgson

Friday cake sale


Just a little reminder that one of our KS2 children will be holding a cake sale on Friday 10th February after school under the rainbow canopy ( our collection point)  to raise money as part of a enterprise challenge. This sale will be for Squirrel parents, so if you could spare some change we would be really grateful for your support!

Thank you in advance

Mrs Hodgson and the school council

Home learning Block C

WB 06.02.23


This week in English we are learning about information texts. Could you design a poster with 3 facts you know about space? It could be a fact about a planet, an astronaut or Our Earth.  You can draw pictures or write simple phrases and captions. 


We will also be sending home number formation sheets for the children to practise at home. Can I please remind you that it is so important to try and fit in 5 minutes of word tin time at home with emphasis on the children's keywords. These words should be able to be read be sight, once learnt they need to be spelt correctly in isolation and within a simple sentence. 


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson  

Home Learning Block C

WB 24.01.23

This week in RE, we have been thinking about the story of the Good Samaritan. Can you think about how you can be a neighbour at home? Can you take a picture of you helping someone? Bring your picture into class so you can share your Good Samaritan story. 


Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Home Learning Block C 

Week Beginning 16.01.23

This half term we are looking up to SPACE! Can you draw one of the 8 planets and write a little phrase about it or you may want to try and draw all 8 planets in order and try to name each one. Please remember to let Mrs Hodgson or Mrs Hawkins know once you have your learning in school so we can share it with the class. 

Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

Thank you for your generous gifts. We’ve had such a fantastic Christmas week at school! Stay safe and enjoy your holiday. Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Hawkins 

Our Learning from Block B

Please see how the children should be forming their letters on the handwriting lines provided on their sound sheets. Thank you for supporting your child with this.

Good evening,

just a little reminder that the children should come to school in normal uniform tomorrow for our church service. Don’t forget early pick up time of 1pm also. 


 We have had a positive start to our Trinity learning journey. The children are settling into our routines and beginning to build some lovely friendships. We are looking forward to having Squirrels in the classroom full time and we are very excited to start our first learning block 'All about me'. 

Important Notices -

PE Days are Thursday and Friday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit. 

We will be exploring in our outdoor area daily( weather permitting) so please ensure your child has a coat in school and a pair of named wellies. 


Your child will soon be bringing home a tin of sounds to learn and a sound book to encourage letter formation practise.

Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson

Yesterday your child had a library book in their bags. This is a book that you and your child can enjoy together for the week and then please return to school with their reading book to be changed on a Monday. The books are to give you and your child to read a collection of diverse stories that will support their understanding of the world. 

We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we have. 

Many thanks

Mrs Hodgson 

Just a little reminder, could you please ensure that your child has a spare set of clothes in a named bag in school please. This is just to ensure that if any accidents were to occur we can change them without having to disturb your busy days and to ensure the comfort and wellbeing of your child during the school day. Thank you. 

Also just to remind you that there will be a Christmas jumper sale tomorrow morning, Children do not need to come into school wearing one, you will have the opportunity to purchase a preloved jumper if you require to stock up your wardrobes. 

Home learning Week 5 Block B

This week we have been focusing on our formations in the Squirrel classroom. Could you please find some time to practice sitting at a table ( back against the chair, tucked into the table and both feet firmly on the ground if it allows) and have a go at number formation. I will post the correct formation of the numbers as a guide. You could come up with a little chant to remember e.g. the number 9- round his face and down his leg. 


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson  

Number formation guide

Ingredient list so far. If anyone else could help we would really appreciate it.

Good morning, 

The children will be participating in Christmas cake making on Thursday. Some parents have kindly agreed to donating some of the ingredients. If you could donate please sign up on the sheet at the start and end of the school day ( TA and Teacher will have this on their person) If ingredients could be in school by Wednesday so we are able to add any other items that the children will still require. 

Thank you for your ongoing support

Mrs Hodgson 

Learning Block B 14.11.22

This week's home learning has been taken from our RE unit Incarnation. Can you create a little photo timeline of yourself? From a baby to your most recent birthday. While you look and sort your photos in order can you notice any changes to yourself? What did you look like when you were a baby and how do you look now? What things did you do when you were a baby and what things are you able to do now? When did you first crawl, walk and talk. Please spend this precious time talking about your memories and the little milestones in your child's life so far. Highlighting how truly special and precious they are. 

( It would be lovely for these photos to be emailed to the school office or a copy coming into school for the children to share). 

Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson 

Learning Block B Home Learning

WB: 7.11.22

This week during our topic of Transport we have been thinking about road safety. Can your child design a poster to demonstrate this? They may want to try and write our key words Stop, Look and Listen. We have been designing our own roads making sure that there are Zebra crossings and traffic lights to make sure pedestrians have a safe place to cross. 


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson 

Good morning, 

Just a little reminder that the Christmas card designs need to be handed into the office( in a red postbox) by Friday 5th November.

Thank you

Mrs Hodgson

Learning block B

WK Beg:1.11.22

Home learning will be focusing on Maths. This week we have been thinking about the number 7. Can you make a poster representing 7 in different ways? There is an example below. 


Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson

Well done Squirrels for completing your first half term at school. You have all settled really well and are now adapting to our school routines and expectations, I am so proud of you all! Please have a well deserved rest over our half term break. Why not zip up warm, put on your welly boots and enjoy an Autumn walk. Can you talk about what you can see, hear, smell and touch. You could collect some Autumn treasures to create an Autumn scene or an animal out of your treasure ( leaves, twigs and acorns). 

I look forward to welcoming you back into our learning block B.

Kind Regards 

Mrs Hodgson 

Our learning from block A

Reception Parent Talk

We would like to welcome you to a parent talk afternoon on Tuesday 1st November 2022 at 2.30pm. This will be an opportunity for you to understand the structure of your child's day and how best to support them at home with their learning. We will aim to finish promptly at 3pm.  Please arrive at the office to sign in just before 2.30pm.

We look forward to seeing you. 

Mrs Hodgson 

Gentle Reminder

If your child is wanting to come into school with laced shoes could you please ensure that they are able to do these up independently in the case of them coming undone during the school day. I hope you can appreciate that we don't have the time to be stopped during learning time to assist with this. 

Thank you for your understanding

Mrs Hodgson 

Wk Beg 10.10.22

The children have brought home a copy of their personal logging in details for one of our digital learning platforms 'Purple Mash'. This week for our home learning, can you support your child in learning their log on username and password details. If you have access to a computer, tablet or laptop could you please download the purple mash app or search for the programme through the google search engine and assist your child in practising to log into their account. Any questions or difficulties with this please don't hesitate to contact the school office. 



Wk Beg 3.10.22

This week, the children have started their reading journey. Your child has recieved their first picture book in their book bags. We encourage the children to enjoy reading at least three times a week( when you have listened to your child read please record this in your planner books). This week, please find some time to enjoy listening to your child story tell using the picture prompts in their story book. Can they use the pictures to create a narrative and notice the characters emotions in the pictures to describe what they think is happening. Please use the questioning prompts at the front and back of your books to support your child with having a greater understanding of the story and what is being read. If your child struggles at first to think of sentences to say, please story tell yourself and allow them to just enjoy listening to you. Have fun!

Kind Regards

Mrs Hodgson 

WK Beg 13.9.22

To kick start our first learning block' All about me' could your child create a picture collage of things that they love( family, food, toys, pets, hobbies and places). You may want to use photocopies of treasured photos, magazine cut outs or drawings. We look forward to getting to know more about them when they bring it in to share with their class. 

Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson 

WK Beg 26.9.22

For our home learning this week we are focusing our attention to Phonics. Your children have brought home  a sound tin and sound book to practise at home. These will be added to every Monday( please ensure they are in book bags so this can happen smoothly) . Please can you practise the new sounds with your child and use the handwriting sheets to help them form the letter correctly. 

Many Thanks

Mrs Hodgson 
