Contact Details

Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Snack Time

Snack Time


We are a healthy school, and as such we encourage children to take healthy lifestyle choices. This extends to the food which is eaten at school. For this reason, please adhere to the following guidelines:


Morning snack time:


Children drink water from their school bottles, or milk purchased from Cool Milk. You may apply and pay online here.  Milk is free to children under 5, after which the cost is subsidised. 


Reception, Year One and Year Two children have free fruit each day provided by the Government’s fruit for schools scheme. This is usually an apple, banana, satsuma, tomato, pear or carrot.


Children in Year Three and Year Four will need to bring their own snack from the following list: dried fruit, fresh fruit, raw vegetables, cheese cubes, plain popcorn, seeds (no nuts), cereal bars (low sugar with no nuts or chocolate), bread sticks or rice cakes.
