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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Prayer is an important part of our school life. We meet together every day as a school family to worship God and to pray together.  Sometimes we spend time thanking God for all that He has done for us. There are other times when we need to ask God for help and guidance in difficult situations and to ask for forgiveness when we have done something wrong.


Communication is important in all our relationships, so it is no surprise that prayer is one of the most important parts of our relationship with God.  You may think that talking to God would be hard or more complicated than it is but even the disciples wanted to know how to pray. Jesus taught them the Lord's Prayer. At Trinity the children learn the Lord's Prayer and what each line means, as the words are significant to their everyday lives.








Each class has written a class prayer.