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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Year 1

Mrs Taylor and I would like to say a BIG thank you for all of our lovely presents! We hope you and your children have a great summer holiday!smiley 

Home Learning - 11.07.23


This week we will be focusing on RE for our home learning.  Use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block F.


The three questions for this week are:


1) What is a sukkah and why do Jewish families build them once a year?


2) How do Jewish families get ready for Shabbat?


3) Create a blessing or prayer that you would say if you were participating in Shabbat. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home Learning - 04.07.23


This week we will be focusing on DT for our home learning.  Open our DT Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block F.


The three questions for this week are:


1) What are the 3 ways we have learnt to join materials together?


2) What is a template?


3) Think about the character you are designing for your puppet. What colour hair will it have? What will that be made of? What kind of eyes, nose and ears will your puppet have? 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

School trip to Museum of East Dorset (Wimborne) - We are still in need of parents for the Year 1 trip to on Wednesday 12th July. If you are able to help then please let Mrs Worlsey, Mrs Taylor or myself know. Thank you. 

Home Learning - 27.06.23


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block F.


The three questions for this week are:


1) In your garden or whilst you are out on a walk, see if you can spot some common flowers. Can you name them?


2) What does a plant need to grow?


3) Draw and label a plant - remember the leaves, stem, roots, petals and flower. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 19.06.23


Last week the children had a break from home learning because they had their end of year quizzes and phonics checks. They worked so hard and I am so proud of them all!


This week we will be focusing on History for our home learning.  Use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block F about Mary Anning. 


The three questions for this week are:


1) What happened to Mary Anning when she was a baby?


2) Where did Mary Anning search for fossils?


3) Who helped Mary Anning learn more about fossils?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 06.06.23


This week we will be focusing on Maths for our home learning.  Open our Maths Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block F.


The three questions for this week are:


1) Can you count in steps of 2 from 0 to 30? What pattern repeats when counting in steps of 2?


2) Can you count in steps of 5 from 0 to 60? What pattern repeats when counting in steps of 5?


3) Can you count in steps of 10 from 0 to 100? What pattern repeats when counting in steps of 10?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Tuesday 6th June is Class Photo day. Rabbits would normally have PE on this day. Please send your child into school in SCHOOL UNIFORM for the photos. Thank you. 

TTRS Maths Battle - Find link at the top of this page. It is the same log in as NumBots.

Home learning - 23.05.23


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. Open our Science Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block E. We have extended out unit of Materials and Magnets to Learning Block E.  


The three questions for this week are:


1) Can you name 3 different properties of materials?

2) What does absorbent mean?

3) Name and compare different types of material and their properties. For example, metal is opaque and shiny whereas glass is transparent and smooth. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment


Now we have sunny weather (hooray!), please make sure you are sending your child in with a NAMED hat so they can participate in all outdoor activities. 


If you are sending your child in with laces on their shoes, please make sure they are practising tying them at home. We are finding a lot of children being distracted whilst on the carpet and taking time away from the learning because they cannot do them up themselves.  


Thank you. 

Home learning - 16.05.23


This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning. Open our Art Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block E.


The three questions for this week are:


1) What is landscape art?

2) What is meant by the tone of something?

3) Create your own piece of landscape art. You could create another beach landscape like we have been doing in our Art lessons or you could do your own landscape art such as your garden or the park. Think about how you can create different tones of colours and add texture to your artwork. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 09.05.23


This week we will be focusing on Phonics for our home learning.


In preparation for the National Phonics Screening that is taking place in Learning Block F, every child will be given a worksheet in the front of their planners that has QR codes each relating to a sound tomorrow. Please also find an online copy of this sheet at the top of this blog. 


When you scan the QR code with a camera on either a phone or iPad, it will take you to a page that includes real words and alien words (works that aren't real) that contain a specific sound.


The Phonics Screen assesses the children on sounding and blending real and alien words so this is great practise for them. We ask the children to follow 3 simple steps:

1) Spot the special friends (the 2 or 3 letters that make 1 sound)

2) Sound the word out using 'Fred Talk'

3) Blend all the sounds together to say the whole word


It would be greatly appreciated if you could practise all of the sounds on the sheet as a continuous home learning task.


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 02.05.23


This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning. Open our Geography Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block E.


Remember our 2 songs to help us to remember the continents and oceans!


The three questions for this week are:


1) What is a continent and can you name all 7 of them on Earth? 

2) What is an ocean and can you name all 5 of them on Earth?

3) Choose a continent or ocean and find out some facts - these could be human or physical features! For example - 'A human feature in Europe is The Eiffel Tower; it is located in Paris, France.  A physical feature in Europe is the Pyrenees mountain range that stretches for nearly 500km.' 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 25.04.23 


This week we will be focusing on Maths for our home learning. Log into Numbots by clicking the following link - Log in, pupils, enter Trinity's postcode (BH31 7PG) and use your child's username and password (this can be found in your child's school planner). 


Please use Numbots to practise the following three areas:


1. Subitising small numbers

2. Adding and subtracting 1 & 2 within 20

3. Adding and subtracting within 10


You can choose to practise 1, 2 or 3 sections! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete online on Monday.


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 18.04.23


This week we will be focusing on PE for our home learning.

For PE this Learning Block, we will be doing some athletics. 


Can you do some research to find out more about athletics, such as:

1) What are some examples of sports in athletics?

2) Choose one of the sports and find out 3 rules about that sport.

3) What sport is your favourite and would like to practise/learn more about?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home Learning - 28.03.23


Please take a couple of weeks to relax and enjoy your holiday but please don't forget to keep practising your reading, writing and maths. 


Reading - read at least 3 times a week, would be great to keep up the habit of recording this in your diary.

Writing - Spellings of Year 1 words (can be found in planner).

Maths - Number bonds to 10/20, addition and subtraction facts. 


Please have a look at the photos above that show the fantastic learning that we have had in Block D.


Happy Easter and enjoy your break!


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 21.03.23


Rabbits class will be performing the Easter service next Wednesday (28.03.23). In preparation for this, they have been given their lines to practise at home. Please help your child learn their words.


This week we will be focusing on RE for our home learning. In Learning Block D, we have been learning about The Easter Story. 


The three questions for this week are:


What city did Jesus arrive in and how was he greeted?


What happened to Jesus after he was arrested in Jerusalem?


How did Mary know that Jesus had come back alive? 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home learning - 14.03.23


This week we will be focusing on PE for our home learning.


Practise the following balances we have been learning about in our gymnastics lessons.

Remember to hold them for 5 seconds, focusing on showing stability by tensing your muscles so they are tight. 

  • tuck
  • straddle
  • pike
  • star
  • dish
  • arch


Once you have practised the shapes, have a go at creating a routine that includes at least 3 balances and pathways (moving around in between the balances using different types of travel e.g. hopping, skipping, rolling, jogging).


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home Learning - 07.03.23


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block D.


The three questions for this week are:


1) What does the word 'material' mean?


2) Can you list the materials we have learnt about so far?


3) Have a look around your home and write down some objects you can see. For each object, label what type of material it is made from.


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


Kind regards,


Miss Maidment

Home Learning - 28.02.23


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning.  Open our Computing knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block D. 


The three tasks for this week are:


1) Make sure your child can log into Purple Mash independently. It is crucial your child can type in their own username and password to log in. 


2) Your child has started to make an animated story book (E-Book) on Purple Mash. They have saved this in 'My Work'. Open this story and add another page about your animal character (remember to use the drawing and text tools). 


3) Add animation to your pages by using the animation tool (red fish with green arrows). 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 

Home Learning - 21.2.23


As you would have seen from the letter that came out today, next Thursday (2nd March) is World Book Day.  For this day, we are asking everyone to create a wooden spoon / potato character to represent your favourite book.  (Please see the letter for a couple of ideas of how these could look).  This will be your home learning for this week. We would like you to bring them in on Thursday with the book you have chosen to be able to share them with your class for our 'drop everything and reads.' 


Can't wait to see what you create.  


Kind regards, 


Miss Maidment 

Library Books 

The children are now able to take a library book home each week. Please return the library book every Friday for your child to change. Read Write Inc reading book change over is still every Monday. These should be put back into the learning pouches in bookbags so we can also read with your child at school. Thank you. 



This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned so far during Learning Block C. 


The three questions for this week are:


What does a wind vane measure?


Describe what the word data means.


What is the tool called that measures rainfall? Can you draw this tool?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next week. 


The children have asked me to put a copy of our English 'Rags to Riches' WAGOLL (what a good one looks like) on here so they can create actions for it over the weekend if they want to.







This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning. Open our Geography knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Geography so far during Learning Block C. 


The three questions for this week are:


Can you name the 4 countries in the United Kingdom?


What are the capital cities of Scotland and Wales?


We have learned about Scotland and Wales so far. Research both of these countries and write down 5 facts that you have discovered. 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment

Reminder - Please do not send chocolate bars in with your child for their lunch. If you send in a chocolate biscuit please make sure it does not contain any nut oils due to a severe allergy in the school. 



This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. Open our Science knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Science so far during Learning Block C. 


The three questions for this week are:


Can you name the 4 seasons?


Can you describe what happens in each season? For example, in spring the temperature starts to increase so it is getting warmer. Easter is a Christian festival which is celebrated in spring. Baby lambs and chicks are born.


Choose a season and create a piece of artwork that resembles that season. It could be a busy beach for summer or a snowy Christmas scene for winter.    


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on RE for our home learning.  Use the knowledge you have learned in RE so far during Learning Block C. 


The two questions for this week are:


What is The Creation Story about?


Can you draw pictures and write some sentences about what happened on the first 3 days in The Creation Story? You could either do this as a story map, a story board or however you want to! Be creative! 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment

Mrs Taylor and I would like to say a HUGE thank you for our lovely gifts we have been given this Christmas. It is so generous of you. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you all in January!

Christmas Party Food List - Please bring in the food on Thursday 15th December. Thank you.



Your song for the Nativity is 'Hey Ho, Away We Go!' Please practise singing these words before your performance.


Verse 1 -

Hey, ho! Away we go,

We’re off to see the baby!

Hey, ho! We’ve got to go,

We’ll leave the sheep a-grazing.


Chorus -

Wey, hey! And what a day,

We’re going to see the Saviour.

Wey, hey! The angels say

We’ll find Him in a manger.

Hey, ho! Away we go, We’re off to see the baby!


Repeat verse 1.




Wey, hey! And what a day,

We’re going to see the Saviour.

Wey, hey! The angels say

We’ll find Him in a manger.

Hey, ho! Away we go,

We’re off to see the baby!

Hey, ho! Away we go,

We’re off to see the baby!


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment

This half term, an area of the curriculum we will be focusing on, is Design and Technology. We will be focussing on the food, cooking and adapting recipes element of this. Part of the process involves food tasting as well as the designing of and making of recipes. With this in mind, we will need to know up to date information regarding any food allergies or intolerances. Please can you inform us if there is something we should be aware of.  



This week we will be focusing on Maths for our home learning.  Open our Maths knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Maths so far during Learning Block B. 


The three questions for this week are:


Practise number bonds to 10. You should be able to recall these speedily and could represent them in a part-part-whole model.


Calculate the answers to these subtraction number facts of 9. 

9 - 3 = 

9 - 6 = 

9 - 1 = 

9 - 8 = 

____ = 9 - 5

____ = 9 - 9


Draw and label some 2D shapes that we learnt about in Learning Block A. Can you explain the features of this shape? 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Computing and Phonics for our home learning.  Open our Computing Pictogram knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Computing so far during Learning Block B. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is a pictogram?


Complete the 2Do 'Green Class Pictogram' on purple mash. 


Have a play on the phonics game set as a 2Do - focusing on the sounds bl-, br-, cl-, cr-.


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on DT for our home learning.  Open our DT knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in DT so far during Learning Block B. 


The three questions for this week are:


How do you know if a food is a fruit or vegetable?


Can you give some examples of different fruits and vegetables?


Find some different fruits and vegetables in your home, write down where they grow (either above ground, below ground or on a tree/vine) and what part of the food do we eat? (stem, leaves, root or fruit). 


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Science so far during Learning Block B. 


The three questions for this week are:


What are the 5 different groups that we can place animals in based on their features?


Can you give an example of some animals within the 5 groups?


Many of the animals we have looked at in Science have adapted to live in their environment, for example, camels have long eyelashes to keep sand from their eyes. Can you think of some other animals and how have they adapted to their environment?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on History for our home learning.  Open our History knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in History so far during Learning Block B. This week we have been discovering what History is all about.


The three questions for this week are:


What does History mean?


What does a Historian do?


Can you make a list of some objects that were made/used in the past and some objects that are made/used in the present day?


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment

Our learning from Block A



Firstly I want to say well done for reaching the end of Learning Block A. 


For home learning this week, it would be great for you to practise reading and spelling the Year 1 Common Exception Words alongside some handwriting. It's really important to make sure you are forming your print letters correctly first before we move onto cursive! (Please see the photo and link below for handwriting and Y1 Common Exception Words).


Whilst you are off don’t forget to also be continuing reading real/alien words and number bonds practice too - especially with numbers up to 10. 


Have an enjoyable and restful break.

Miss Maidment




This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Science so far during Learning Block A. 

The three questions for this week are:


If someone is blind, what can they not do?


When someone is blind they can use braille to read. Can you find some objects at home with some braille on?


If someone is deaf, they can use sign language to communicate with people. In class, we learnt some sign language of some common phrases we might use in school. Have a go at signing your own name. You can use this link here to practise -


You can choose to complete one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning.  Open our Art knowledge organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Art so far during Learning Block A.

The questions for this week are:


What are the different types of lines? 


What are the secondary colours? What 2 primary colours mix together to make them? 


Create your own art piece using different primary and secondary colours. Can you add different types of lines? 


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday.


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning.  Open our Computing knowledge organiser (Online Safety) and use the knowledge you have learned in Computing so far during Learning Block A.

The task for this week is:


Log in to Purple Mash using your username and password.


Go to 'Work' at the top, left of the screen and open your work from Monday's Computing lesson using the 'Animals Needs' tool. Continue to add a photo/picture to each box and the name of the animal in the text box below. 


Make sure to save your work once you have finished before logging out. 


You can then explore the Tools and Games sections!


I look forward to seeing your work on Purple Mash next week. 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning.  Open our Geography Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Geography so far during Learning Block A.

The three questions for this week are:


What is an 'aerial view'?


What does the word 'location' mean?


Have a go at drawing a map of your home. Can you label some key features such as your bed, garden or TV? Challenge - can you draw a 'key' to show what the symbols represent?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday. A big well done and thank you for some fantastic pieces of home learning from last week! 


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment



This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning.  Open our Science Knowledge Organiser and use the knowledge you have learned in Science so far during Learning Block A.

The three questions for this week are:


What can you tell me about our 5 senses we have as humans?


Can you list the 5 senses and what body part they are associated with?


Can you write down 1 example of each sense you notice around your home? For example, I can smell dinner in the oven. 


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday.


Kind regards,

Miss Maidment


We have had a great start to the year in Rabbits class! The children have settled in brilliantly and we love having them back at school. Bring on Learning Block A! smiley

Important Notices -

PE Days are Tuesday and Friday. Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit. 


If you would like to support your child with their writing at home, please use the following website to help for the correct pencil grip, letter formation etc.
