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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Our Class Blog 2020 - 2021

Friday 23rd July

Badgers last week!

Badgers had a small tennis tournament on Monday to finish our PE.

On Tuesday it was fantastic seeing everyone come to school dressed in the colours of the Italian flag. During the day we used our computing skills to create a power point all about Italy. 

We helped outside to tidy up the spirituality garden and helped Mrs Hoiles do some planting. 

We had a visitor, also on Tuesday! Tracy from Verwood solar farm came in to thank everyone for their entries into the 'solar powered toy' competition. She presented everyone who had entered with a much needed ice-lolly and presented Heidi, our winner, with her own solar powered toy. 

I'd like to thank the children for all their had work over the past two years and I will miss teaching them very much. Thank you to the parents for all of your support with your children's learning at home. It is very much appreciated. Thank you also for your very kind cards and gifts. 

I wish you all a wonderful summer holiday. 


Badger's last week!

Friday 9th July

Another busy week of learning. The highlight of this week has got to be learning about solar power and designing and making our own solar powered toys. We welcomed Tracy into Badgers where she taught us about solar panels and how they make electricity. She showed us pictures and a video of all of the solar panels at Verwood solar farm and how they are important to help us to stop climate change. We were able to play with lots of different solar powered toys, and thankfully the sun was out so they all worked! We then went back into the classroom to design our own toys. The next day we made our solar toys from junk modelling and the results were fantastic. Thank you for all the donations! There are lots of photos of our two afternoons below. Tracy set us a competition to design a solar power toy. There have already been some amazing entries. Don't forget Badgers, the closing date for the competition is on Monday. 

We have been continuing to persevere with our maths learning about time. We are becoming very confident with telling the time to the nearest minute using an analogue clock. We are developing an understanding of using am and pm and we have even begun to think about using the 24 hour clock. Spend some time this weekend practicing telling the time and finding examples of the 24 hour clock around your home. 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the football (if you are watching it!)

Friday 25th June

This week the Badgers have been working very hard. We have completed a number of 'challenges', which they have all tried really hard to demonstrate their very best. 

In literacy, we have been revisiting expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and today we looked at relative clauses! Some of the children were able to find some in their reading demonstrating their understanding. The children completed a free write today, following planning their ideas yesterday. The task was for the children to see which features they could remember and use in their independent writing. I'm really looking forward to reading them all this weekend. 

In maths we continued to recognize and identify right angles, parallel and perpendicular lines in a range of 2D shapes. 

We are really enjoying learning about shadows and we created a science experiment to find out if shadows move through out the day. Thankfully on Wednesday the sun came out and we were able to carry out the experiment successfully. Ask your child what they found out! 

Please can you start collecting some 'junk' such as empty boxes and cardboard tubes your child could use to build something!!! We will need these in school for Monday 5th July. Many thanks

Friday 18th June

In English this week, we have learnt a new spelling rule, practiced our handwriting and planned, wrote and edited our own discussion texts. We wrote our texts, using arguments for and against having longer play times. There were some very interesting opinions. We all used our success steps to make sure we included all of the important features including the special phrases. 

In maths we learned to recognise right angles, talking about horizontal and vertical lines. We then looked at angles that are smaller than a right angle (acute) and angles which are greater than a right angle (obtuse). Have a look around you. Which angles can you find? Today we learned about parallel and perpendicular lines. Can you identify each of these around you? 

In geography we have been continuing to learn about the physical features of Italy and where they are on a map. 


Friday 11th June

Badgers have had a great first week back. 

We have begun reading and identifying features of discussion texts. We have learned some important phrases which we can use in our own writing which we will be using next week. We have completed a spelling challenge this week of lots of the year 3 common exception words. Please look in your child's book bag for these and practice them at home. It's really important that they are kept in their book bags, as we will be practicing them in school too. 

In maths we have continued to learn about fractions and have been placing fractions along a 0-1 number line and ending the week with adding and subtracting fractions. 

We have begun thinking about our new topic 'Italy'. We have looked at the atlases and have found where Italy is and what it's land and sea boarders are. The children are already making lots of links to previous learning we have done, linked to Italy. 

In science, thankfully, the sun came out so we could learn about shadows outside! The photos are of us drawing around each others shadows. 

A great start to our last half term in Badgers. 

Making shadows

Friday 21st May 

This week we have revisited features of non-chronological texts. We remembered lots of the features from when we have completed this text type in the past. We have been using our Roman topic to retrieve information from texts during our reading sessions. We need to remember not to just copy what we have found out, but to write notes and put it into our own words. Next week we will be planning our layout and writing our own non-chronological texts demonstrating our knowledge of the Romans. We have been thinking about facts and opinions and identifying them in pieces of text. We have also been writing sentences, thinking about the main clause and adding a sub-ordinate clause! 

In maths week have been revisiting multiplication and division. We have been solving problems in different contexts, reminding ourselves how we can prove and check our answers. It is very clear who has been practicing their times tables! Remember to keep logging onto Times Table Rock Stars. 

The children enjoyed starting their sewing this week and most of us are making good progress! Although a lot of Badgers are having trouble threading a needle! 

Today we were space cadets on a special space mission! We were using a simulation where we had to rescue some of our astronauts. There was lots of lovely discussion including children giving reasons for their answers. If your children would like to have another go, the simulation can be found on Purple Mash, computing, 2simulate, The Dark side of Elpmis. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Friday 14th May

Congratulations Badgers! Today we had a our marble treat. Badgers voted for an afternoon on the field and sweets! Luckily the weather was kind. We played some cricket, football, made bug hotels, put on performances and played with the class playtime equipment. We are already beginning to think about our next reward! 


   This week in worship we have been looking at a our school values of Faith, Hope and Love. We have been thinking about what these words mean and what they look like at Trinity. Badgers already have an idea of this and are beginning to demonstrate them in our learning and actions.


   In DT we have begun production of our pencil cases. We have chosen our material and have carefully cut them out so they are ready to sew next week! 


   We have completed our science fiction stories and have spent this week editing and improving them. We have work on using inverted commas correctly, spelling words with apostrophes for contraction, using similes and using a range of conjunctions to explain time and why. We share our story with our partner and some of us were able to share with the class.  


   In maths we have been securing our understanding of addition and subtraction. We have thought about and worked out complements to 100, (two numbers which equals 100). We have also been using columns to add and subtract. we still need lots of work on subtracting using columns especially when we need to regroup/exchange! We shall be covering this again! 


   Hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Friday 7th May

Another short week, but again a fantastic week of learning. 

We have talked about using paragraphs in our writing and we are becoming confident in when to use them. We talked about beginning a new paragraph when there is a change in person/character, change in place, or a change in time. The children have begun to use paragraphs well in their own story writing where they are using their story plans to write their own science fiction stories. 

We have revisited using apostrophes for contractions and have made sure that we have used these correctly in our story. We also revisited the use of similes and tried to include at least one in our story too.

In maths we have been looking at number facts and scaling up and down by ten to help us work out addition and subtraction problems. Some of us went on to using scaling up and down to answer multiplication and division problems too.  

We spent some time on TTRS today and have lots of points. All correct answers will earn us points so keep answering questions. The competition goes on until 7pm tonight. 

In science we created an experiment using torches and mirrors to try and light up an object which was being blocked by a book. Have a look at the photos to see how we did it! 

We have earned enough marbles for our next marble treat. This will take place next Friday 14th May. We have yet to confirm what this will be! We shall let you know! 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Friday 30th April

A great week of learning happening in Badgers. 

We have enjoyed learning about who Julius Caesar was from the children's home learning from last week. Well done.

In literacy we have been reading and looking closely at a story called 'A Tale of Two Robots'. We have learnt about similes and written some of our own, we have summarized the story in our own words and acted out parts off the story for our friends to guess which part we were doing.

Today we were innovating the story, changing parts of the story to plan our own sci-fi narrative! 

In maths we have continued working and mastering our understanding of place value and using it to solve problems using number lines and also working out the previous and next multiples of ten and 100 of two and three-digit numbers. 

Next week we will be working on number facts including addition and multiplication. Look out for the Tournament on Times Table Rock Stars next Friday! 

In science were carried out a couple of simple experiments to prove how light travels. Don't forget this week's home learning! 

Have a lovely long weekend. 


Friday 26th March 

The highlight of this week was making empanadas! We learned how to make pastry and then put the filling in before folding them over and baking them in the oven. We all tried some! This was part of our DT learning, where we have learned about the different types of food and where our food comes from. Look out for your child's own empanada designs coming home next week. 

We have continued learning about Brazil. We focused our learning on looking at the human and physical features of Rio de Janerio. We have become very good at this and were able to compare the features with those in Verwood! 

In English we have been learning about the special features of explanation texts and are able to identify these. Next week we will be writing our own explanation texts. 

In maths we have been learning about the perimeter of shapes. We have been calculating and measuring the perimeter. We also applied our learning from last week by using addition of measures and converting cm to mm and mm to cm. 

Badgers enjoyed their marble treat this afternoon. We went into the ICT suit where we played games on the computers, completed some arts and crafts, played chess and built creations with Lego. 


Friday 19th March

Today we completed our block of learning on reading and writing instructions. Everyone enjoyed following instructions to make a one stringed guitar (see photos below) and today we wrote the instructions in our own words, remembering to use lots of the features. Well done Badgers. 

In maths we have been continuing with our learning about measures and length. Please continue to check that your child is able to recall the number of mm in 1cm and how many cm in 1m. We have also been converting measurements. E.g. 146cm = 1m 46cm. We have also been comparing measurements using greater than, less than and equals to. We will be continuing with our learning of measures, length and will be using our written methods to answer addition and subtraction problems. We will then move onto working out the perimeter of some 2D shapes. 

The children are enjoying finding out out about physical features of South America. They can recall lots of the countries which make up the continent and some interesting facts too. 

In science we have designed and set up an experiment to find out the best conditions for germination. (Can your child remember what it means?) We talked about making the test fair and decided what needed to be kept the same and what we were changing. We are looking forward to finding out what happens. 

Unfortunately we were unable to access the Purple Mash tasks set for today's lesson on the school computers. There are some 2dos set, if your child would like to complete them at home. They have a week to complete the tasks. 

Reminder that home learning is now being set on Teams. You have until Monday to complete this week's learning. Don't forget to 'turn' it in. 

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Doe

Making a one stringed guitar

Friday 12th March

Welcome back! Badgers have settled straight back into the routine and rules of keeping safe in school. Well done Badgers. 

In English we have been reading and learning about the special features used when writing instructions. Please find attached a copy of a set of instructions the children asked for! Make sure you send in photos or the finished product for me to try! For our learning next week we will be following instructions for making a one string guitar. Please can the children bring in an clean and empty 2 liter plastic bottle for their lesson on Wednesday. Thank you. 

In maths we have been learning about measures and are focusing on length. We have used millimetres, centimetres and metres to compare and measure items and objects. We have revisited how to use a ruler accurately to measure straight lines. We will be continuing with this learning next week and using our knowledge and understanding to solve problems. 

In science we carried out an experiment to see how water travels through plants using celery. Although our experiment didn't work brilliantly, we were able to discuss what should have happened. Some children may want to carry out another experiment at home! 

Just a quick reminder that we have PE on Monday and Friday, children come to school wearing their kit. Please can you make sure long hair is tied back and earrings are removed, or can be removed by your child. 

Hope you all have a great weekend and Mums, don't look in your child's book bag until Sunday! 


Hello Badgers.

Thank you for all your learning so far! 
You can find your learning on ‘Teams’ from now on. 
If you have any problems, please contact to school office.

I look forward to seeing you or speaking to you sometime this week. 
Mrs Doe

Friday 18th December

Well done Badgers. A very exciting and busy week. Badgers have all done themselves very proud leading the Christmas service today. Although it would have been nice to have performed this in church, we made the most of the stage and technology, so that the school could watch us! It should be available for you to see very soon in the video resource section under the Children's section of the school website. 

We enjoyed party day, especially receiving and opening the presents from Father Christmas. Thank you!

Thank you for your continued support this last half term. 

I wish you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all again the in the New Year. 

Friday 11th December

In maths this week we have revisited division and solved lots of problems using our knowledge of the three and four times tables especially to help us. We have particularly been thinking about how we can 'prove and check our answers are correct.' We have also been solving problems which involve remainders! We have played lots of games which require us to count in threes and fours and also quickly recall the answers. It is great to see so many Badgers being able to quickly recall these facts. Keep practicing if you are not quite there yet! 

In literacy we have had a poetry focus. We have been reading and writing poems and thinking especially about poetic features including rhythm and rhyme, alliteration and the use of syllables when writing 'Haikus'. 

As we come to the end of this half term, please revisit the knowledge map and discuss the facts and vocabulary with your children. What can they remember? 

we had a great day today on the 'Santa Dash'. Many of us were able to complete more than the three big and one small laps! I believe our record was 10 big laps! Well done Badgers. The phots I took were at the end of the run, that's why so many look tired! 


Home learning:

  • Log onto Purple mash and complete the 2Do; drawing a cave painting! 
  • Log onto My Maths and complete the two tasks set. 
  • Don't forget to continue to practice learning your spellings from your individual spelling lists and to log onto Times Table Rock Stars. 

Friday 4th December

Badgers have worked hard this week! 

We have been continuing to learn spellings and spelling rules. We revisited the -tion sound and used this to spell a number of words correctly. We have also been revisiting using apostrophes for possession. We then moved on to learning about using them for plural possession and what to do if a noun ends with an 's'. The learning activity on Purple Mash goes through this! 

The children 'wowed' us this week with their 'free write' (they choose the genre to write in; stories, poems, non-fiction texts). They were presented with a beautiful picture and talked about what they saw and shared ideas with the rest of the class. Many of the children had a 'Christmassy' theme to their writing! Well done Badgers!

In maths we have continued to work with multiplication, especially the three and four times tables. We are beginning to develop efficient methods of working out answers to problems using pictures including number lines. Keep using Times Table Rock Stars. It is really making a difference to their quick mental recall of multiplication tables. 

We continued to think about what it was like to live in the Stone Age and how they went from Hunter-gathers to farmers. We talked about how this would have changed the food that they had. 

We were lucky to have a special visitor to school this morning! It was a good job that we had written our letters this week! 

I have put a copy of this half term's knowledge map on the documents part of our class page. This will tell you interesting facts the children should know and remember from our topic and some of the key vocabulary we have discussed and used. 


Home Learning:

  • Log onto MY maths and complete the task '3 times table'.
  • Log onto Purple Mash and complete the 2Do 'Harry's party'
  • Log onto TTRS. This week the focus is the 4x table. Remember little and often!


Friday 27th November

This week in Literacy we have written notes and key words to use for our non-fiction text about the Stone Age. We then went onto use these notes to write and create our own information booklets about The Stone Age. They are all full of interesting facts that we have already learnt about our topic. We are becoming very confident in knowing and using the special features used to organise non-fiction writing including use of title, sub-headings, information sentences, contents page and pictures. We have also been looking at our individual spelling sheets and using a range of strategies to learn them. 

In maths we have been developing our sharing skills! We have been using resources and pictures to help us find out 'how many... in...?' We have linked this to division and the children have been able to solve division problems. At the end of the week we moved onto solving division problems which included remainders. Badgers have been very successful in completing these problems and proving their answers using pictures and number lines. 

In RE we have been thinking about our school and thinking of symbols to represent three words... Faith, Hope and Love. The children came up with some super ideas and were able to explain and give reasons for their choices. They then used their ideas to design a stained glass window. 

We enjoyed coming to school in our pyjamas today. I must say I was nice and warm in my onesie, even with the windows and doors open! We have already made a great start in collecting marbles for our next reward! Well done Badgers. 


Home learning:

  • Log onto My Maths and complete the task set and try and catch up on any outstanding tasks. 
  • Log onto Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS). Remember little and often is best. The tables focus will change from 3 to 4 after this weekend. 
  • Log onto Purple Mash and complete the non-fiction text about Hunter-Gatherers. There is some information to help you, but after our topic and literacy work this week, we are all very knowledgeable! 
  • Keep practicing your individual spellings. Who can get there's ticked off this week? 

Designing our new stained glass window in our pyjamas!

Class marble treat

Badgers have done it! They have collected enough marbles for our treat. The most popular choice was to have a pyjama party! This will be next Friday 27th November. Children will need to come to school in their PJs and will stay in them all day! Please make sure that your child will be warm enough and wearing suitable shoes as they will still need to go outside for the daily run and play times. I’m going to pull out my onesie!! Unfortunately due to the current situation children will not be allowed to bring in cuddly toys for this reward. 

Friday 20th November 

This week in English we have revisited non-fiction texts. We have been reading non-fiction texts about the Stone Age and recalling the features used including headings, sub-headings, facts, pictures and captions. We have begun to plan our own non-fiction texts about the Stone-Age which we will use next week. We have read the information texts and retrieved relevant information. We have used a planning sheet and recorded key words under four different sub-headings. 

In maths we have revisited multiplication and we now all have a very good understanding of the commutative law! (Where we can swap the first two numbers round and it will still make the same answer!) We are really confident in using arrays to show multiplication sentences. We have been counting in 3s, 4s and 8s this week, ready to learn these multiplication facts. 

In PE we enjoyed getting outside to do basketball. We have been practicing dribbling and making sure we don't double dribble! This week we focused on defending the ball by trying to keep an opponent way by holding out our arm. 


Home Learning:

  • Log onto Times Table Rock Stars, (Log in details should be in your child's planner.) I have said to the children that they need to log on regularly and that little and often is better than logging on just once a week. This week we are focusing on the 3 times table and division facts (we will be revisiting division next week!)
  • Log onto My Maths and complete the task set. Complete any over due tasks too. 
  • Spellings. Practice and learn to spell the highlighted words on the sheet sent home this afternoon. The idea is that your child is able to spell the words on more than one occasion correctly. Can they spell the word correctly when they use it in a sentence? (These will be the spellings to learn up until Christmas.)

Friday 13th November

It was lovely to speak to you all this week for our parent consultations. Thank you.

We have been working very hard again in Badgers this week. 

In maths we have been learning and practicing written methods for subtraction. We have used number lines; counting backwards and counting on to find the difference, we have also been using columns to subtract. We learned about exchange today. We will be revisiting this again as we were just about getting our heads around what we had to do! 

In literacy this week we have been continuing to learn our spellings. We have also been learning to spell words with the prefix mis- and re-. We talked about how these prefixes change the meaning of the root word and used them in our own sentences. 

We have continued working with our class text 'Stone Age Boy', planning our own stories using the structure and some of the ideas for the original story. I am very much looking forward to reading all of the stories based on the plans the children have made and the stories that were read to the class today. 

In computing we have been learning about online safety with Miss Brown. Look in the home learning section for an activity she would like you to do. 

In science we have been learning about the human skeleton and this week made a paper model, making sure the bones were put in the correct places! 


Home learning:

  • Log onto My maths and complete the tasks set. You might want to have resources and or a piece of paper to help you work out the answers.
  • Log onto Purple Mash and complete the 2Do (spellings).
  • Also on Purple Mash... click on the green 'sharing' tab. Click on 'Shared blog' and either create a blog post on 'online safety' or if you've done this, read what other children have written. Discuss online safety at home.

Friday 6th November

Welcome back! 

Badgers have all come back to school very well and keen to learn! 

We have begun our new topic, 'Early Britons' where we have been thinking about what we already know and have thought of some interesting questions which we would like to find the answers to over the next six weeks! 

We have begun to learn and use a story called, 'Stone Age Boy' as a hook into our topic. We have looked closely at some of the vocabulary and phrases used and have planned to use them in our own stories next week. We are continuing to practice our handwriting and are have continued to practice spellings form our individual lists. We have been looking at words we have made mistakes with in our literacy book and adding them to our list. We will soon be carrying out another spelling challenge to see which words we still need to practice. 

In maths we are continuing to practice adding and subtracting and are developing some good mental methods. we are beginning to develop some written methods, including column addition, although we found it quite tricky with carrying over! We will continue with this next week too! 

We really enjoyed our first dance lesson today where we used the stimulus of machines to create movements and performed them to a count of eight, so that we were able to perform our movements in unison. Hopefully we will be able to post a video of our dance soon! 


I look forward to speaking to you all on Monday for parent consultations. 

Also remember that we have school photographs on Monday. (School jumper and PE joggers and trainers).


Home learning: 

  • Log onto My Maths and complete the task/s. You may like to have a piece of paper and a pencil to help you to work out the answers. 
  • Log onto Purple Mash and complete the 2Do. Reading information about the Stone Age. Try and complete the task at the end and remember some of the information and decide which parts you might like to include in your story next week. 

Friday 23rd October

Wow, what a half term! I'm so impressed with every single Badger. They have all worked so hard and have really enjoyed their learning. 

Firstly, in literacy we have been practicing our spellings from our individual lists and looking in our books to find other words to learn to spell. Today we completed a 'free write' where the children could choose the genre of writing, using a picture as inspiration. The children had a choice of pictures linked with our topic, volcano eruption, earthquake, tsunami, and the devastation that is left behind. The children wrote one of the following, a poem, story, information text or a report. They were also able to include some of our literacy learning that we have done this half term including similes, expanded noun phrases and spelling. 

In maths we have been developing our adding and subtracting. We have been practicing using a number line effectively to solve problems. We have also been developing more mental methods using doubling and adjusting. We have looked at links between adding single digits, multiple of tens and multiples of hundred to solve addition and subtraction of 2- and 3-digit numbers. 

The children have enjoyed our art work this half term and we have a class full of budding Leonard Di Vinci's! We found out a little bit about him and we had a go at drawing our own portraits, thinking about positioning and proportions. We also use texture and tone in our drawings. I was very proud of my effort! 

Badgers have enjoyed PE, especially dodgeball and we have all learned about the skills involved when playing a game. 

I'm really pleased that Badgers have enjoyed their topic this half term and we finished our topic by learning about tsunamis. What they are, why they happen, where they are most likely to happen and how they effect the people. 

I hope you all have a lovely and safe week. 


Home Learning

  • I have set a My Maths task (due in 6th November). 

Could the children please take time to complete any outstanding tasks. Thank you. 

  • I've included the Knowledge map for our topic this half term, (see below) which covers the key facts the children have hopefully learned, key vocabulary, interesting texts to read and a little challenge for those children who would like to take their learning forward. 
  • Don't forget to log onto Times Table Rock Stars. We will be looking at multiplication next half term! 

Friday 16th October

In literacy this week we have worked on learning spellings and have practiced a new strategy. It is called trace, copy, retrieve. You trace over the word you are learning to spell, then copy the word in the next column and finally fold over the words so you can’t see them and write the word correctly in the end column. 
Badgers have enjoyed reading a poem called ‘The Volcano’. We looked at some of the poetic features used including repetition, rhyme and the use of similes. We read the poem and performed it, including the use of actions and expression. You can watch our performance below. Today we wrote our own poems using the structure of the poem and having a go at using some of the poetic features. 
In maths we have continued to work on addition and subtraction. We have been revisiting mental methods for adding and subtracting 9, which we are now very good at! We are developing adding and subtracting bridging ten and using resources and number lines to support our workings and to prove our answers. 
In geography we have talked about why earthquakes happen and what to do if you are in a building when the alarm sounds! 

Home Learning: 

log onto My Maths and complete the task set.

Log onto Purple Mash and complete the two 2Dos set by Mrs Doe! 
One is to complete a quiz about earthquakes. There are some tricky questions so you might need to research the answers! 
The other task is to write an information text about earthquakes. You might want to complete some more research about earthquakes. I will print these off and put into your geography books. 

The Volcano

Still image for this video
Badger’s class performance.

Friday 9th October

Badgers have really enjoyed their learning this week.

We have continued learning about volcanoes and discussed the pros and cons for living near a volcano. 

We finished reading our story, 'Escape form Pompeii' and thought about the parts we liked and those we didn't. Today we used our story plans to write our own 'volcano' story in literacy. The children had to write a five part story, opening, build up, problem, resolution, ending. They were also encouraged to use some of our learning from this week, including using speech marks, adjectives and spelling words using the different 'ay' graphemes. The children also chose which words and phrases to use from the original story. Some of the children were able to read their story to the class. I hope others will be able to next week as they were all keen to share what they had written. 

In maths we have been adding and subtracting. We have revisited number bonds to 10 and 20 and using these to complete number trios! Ask your child to explain what they are! We also looked at different ways of writing number sentences using the number trios and using this to help solve missing number problems. Today we revisited doubling and halving and we were beginning to double three digit numbers! It is really important that children can recall double and halves of numbers up to and including double 10! Please practice this at home! 

We are really enjoying our PE and are demonstrating some great throwing and catching in both netball and dodgeball. 

Well done for remembering to return reading books today. Don't forget to send in book bags on Monday to receive some more books to read.

Today we had our class election for our school councillors. We have Harrison and Sienna representing Badgers this year. Well done to you. Well done also to Harry and Eliza for preforming your speeches so well this morning. 


Home Learning: 

Log onto My Maths, there are two homework tasks to complete. Number facts and doubles (revision from last year) and Greater than and less than. 

Log onto Purple Mash and complete the spelling challenge, revisiting different ways of spelling the 'ay' sound. 

Friday 2nd October

Another week of learning completed! 

In literacy we have been revising spelling strategies to practice and learn to spell words. (Pyramid, rainbow and quick write). 

We have started to use a fictional story based on the real event of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius called, 'Escape from Pompeii'. We have inferred meaning, made predications and used a description to draw a picture. We are really enjoying finding out about the characters and are looking forward to finding out what happens in the end! 

We have looked at punctuation marks and today had a very good try at using speech marks to punctuate direct speech. Ask your child to keep a look out for the use of speech marks in their reading at home. 

We continue to practice handwriting and we focused on using the horizontal join correctly. 

In maths we continued to learn about place value. We used what we know about the value of each digit to order numbers from smallest to largest. We revisited using greater than and less than symbols. We have also been looking at number lines and working out the number which is half way between various multiples of ten. To end our lesson today we quickly revisited rounding numbers to the nearest ten. 

Badgers are really enjoying learning about volcanoes and we learned about how volcanoes are formed and the different parts of a volcano. 

We enjoyed our French lesson today, learning colours and reading a French book! 


Home Learning

Log onto My Maths; This week you have two tasks to complete! There are still a few children that have outstanding tasks to complete. 

Log onto Purple Mash and complete the tasks set by Miss Brown for computing. 

Continue to learn and practice spelling the highlighted words on the spelling sheet sent home. 

Friday 25th September.

Badgers have loved the start of our topic... Why does Earth have earthquakes and volcanoes? We took an imaginary trip under ground, visiting all the layers, all the way to the core! It was very hot, but we had protective suits on so it was okay! The children loved looking inside the model Mrs Roberts made, as you can see from the video below. We have begun learning about volcanoes and have watched video clips of some erupting. We have also looked at the meaning of some topic words and have used them in our writing. In spelling this week we have been revisiting adding suffixes to verbs and how sometimes we need to change to spelling E.g swim, swims, swimming, swam, swimmer. We have also revisited the suffixes un- and dis- and learnt how adding these, changes the meaning of the word. 

In maths we have continued to learn about place value of two and three-digit numbers. We are becoming very confident at knowing the value of each digit in these numbers. We have also been partitioning the numbers in different ways. 

In RE we have been thinking about creation and went onto the field to look, feel and hear the wow factors of God's creation. We stayed outside and created some natural art, depicting our thoughts about these wow factors. 

We would like to welcome Miss Smith to Badgers. She will be working with us for the next few months. 


Home Learning

Please log onto My Maths and complete the set task... HTO place value. Please encourage your child to also complete any outstanding tasks they have. 

Log onto Purple mash, I have set a 2DO. Volcano description. 

God's creation in natural art

We loved this!

Still image for this video

Friday 18th September

Well done Badgers for a great week of learning! 

In literacy we have heard and read a story about a 'Little Badger'. We made predictions about what we though might happen next based on what had happened so far and what we know about badgers. We then spent some time reading the story for ourselves, developing word recognition, fluency and expression. We have been revisiting homophones. We have talked about the meaning of the words and top tips to help us remember the spelling of the words. Today we wrote an animal story and I am looking forward to reading them. 

In maths we are continuing to learn about place value, securing our understanding of two-digit numbers and being able to describe them in different ways. We have begun looking at three-digit numbers and we will continue to develop our understanding of these numbers again next week. 

As we are Badgers class, we have continued to think about badgers and we completed our badger art work using collage this week. 


Home Learning

Please log onto My Maths and complete the task set today. If your child has any overdue tasks, they can complete them too. Remember that your child can complete the lesson before the home learning if you feel this will help them. 

Please also log onto Purple Mash and complete the spelling activity: It should be in the child's alerts. 

I will be sending home the children's new planners on Monday. These can stay at home, where you can continue to record your child's reading

Your child will also bring home a spelling sheet with common exception words we have been checking. Please support your child in learning to spell the words which have been highlighted on the sheet. 

Many thanks.

Friday 11th September

Wow, what a fantastic first week. Everyone has come back to school very well. We are all getting used to the changes. 

We have learned about Badgers this week, reading information about them and answering comprehension questions about what we have read. We are now beginning to write our own non-fiction, information texts about badgers. 

In maths we have be revisiting adding and subtracting. working systematically to solve problems and playing games to get our maths brains working again! 

We loved using chalk and charcoal to create our badger pictures which we will be completing next week. 

Please have a look at the power-point presentation in our letters and information. 

It is so lovely to have the children back in school again. 

Mrs Doe
