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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Year 2



Please find each Block's knowledge organisers below. We will update this page at the end of each block to show you what we have been learning in Year 2. 

Dear Parents, carers and children,


Thank you for the gifts and cards they are lovely and very thoughtful. Thank you to the parents and carers who have supported your children and to those who also volunteered time to help with the extra activities this Summer term. All the children have been amazing this year and such a brilliant class to teach. I have enjoyed my year with you loads and wish you all a fantastic summer holiday! Look forward to seeing you all fresh faced in September!


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 13.7.22


This week we will be focusing on DT for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


How can we join pieces of material together?


Can you remember the name of the stitch we used in class and what you must do to create it?


Could you use the same stitch to create your own textile design? 


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 28.6.22


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


How can we present information and data digitally?


Can you remember the different question styles you can use in a quiz?


What is called when you plan out information on one big page with nodes?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 21.6.22


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What are planets in our solar system?


Explain orbit to me please.


Why do we have day and night?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 14.6.22


This week we will be focusing on History for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


Thinking about significant people in history.


  1. What makes a person significant?


  1. What does an empire mean? Can you think of an example we have learnt about?


  1. Can you write a fact file on either: Gandhi, Rosa Park or Martin Luther king? Make sure to include the reasons why they are significant people in history.




You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 8.6.22


Due to it being our quiz week, please spend time going over the knowledge organisers and discussing the information on them. Your child may like to create a fact file about one of our units of learning. 


Please can I ask that when your child reads at home that it is noted in their school planner. We are now checking these regularly to encourage more reading but also to celebrate the fantastic texts that the children are engaging with. It has been brought to my attention that some parents and children have asked for recommended reading books, follow the link for some ideas Year 2 recommended books and Year 2 chapter books.


Spellings- common exception words practise within sentences. It is always good practise to use spellings within their context to further embed the spelling strategies. 


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 26.5.22


This week we will be focusing on RSHE for our home learning. We have covered this topic in Block B and there is some information on the knowledge organiser.  


The three questions for this week are:

How can we look after ourselves?


Can you explain how germs are spread?


Think about your body can you explain the job of some of those parts (Science link)? You may like to revisit: ribs, lungs, skull, stomach, intestines.


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Tuesday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 19.5.22


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is the difference between the World Wide Web (WWW) and the internet?


How do we search for a website on a search engine?


Can you name a few web browsers and use them to find a website?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 12.5.22


This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


Who painted using concentric circles?


What are concentric circles?


What do you call a rough first drawing? Have a go at drawing something that interests you to share with the class next week.


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 3.5.22


This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


Which countries are located in Northern Europe?


Can you name the continents and oceans of the world? (Year 1 revisit) Can you explain what a continent is? 


What is the difference between Nordic and Scandinavia?


Extra learning: Please find in book bags extra Maths and some extra Comprehension sheets to support your child with their learning.


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 26.4.22


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is matter? 


Look around your house and find 5 objects.


1. What material are they made from?

2. Can you describe each material’s (for each item) properties?


Beyond expectations: Research solid and liquids, can you find out about their structure?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Additional Maths practise


Please find attached some links to google documents that you can use o practise the Maths units covered this half term. These do not need to be handed in but are useful to continue practising and consolidating the learning during half term. 


Unit 10: Fractions 

Unit 11: Measurement: Time

Unit 12: Measurement: Money

Date: 5.4.22- apologies for being late.


This week we will be focusing on Music for our home learning. We have covered this topic in Block B and there is some information on the knowledge organiser.  


The three questions for this week are:


How can you create musical texture?  


Can you create a piece of music that has a change in dynamics to share with the class?  


What does timbre mean?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 22.3.22


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What does it mean to share online?


How do we zoom in or out?


Can you create a piece of new artwork and save it on purple mash to be shared next week?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


In addition to this, any small plastic pots (petit filous) or egg cartons would be appreciated for our DT project. Thanks in advance.  


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 15.3.22


This week we will be focusing on DT for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is a mechanism?


Can you find examples of objects that use wheels and axels?


What do you have to think about when you design a Ferris wheel?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 8.3.22


This week we will be focusing on History for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


Who was the first Tudor monarch?


Can you name the wives of Henry VIII?


Can you explain what life was like in Tudor England?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 1.3.22


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What does germinate mean?


How do we know that plants are living things?


Can you draw and label your own diagram of a plant?


Beyond expectations: Research rewilding, what does it mean?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed your half term break. Hedgehogs have celebrated their marble treat this afternoon (movie and hot chocolate). Hedgehogs are now focusing on the next marble treat by showing our Trinity values continually throughout the school day and thriving in their learning.  For the mean time please find below a few photos taken from last half term. 


Date: 15.2.22


This week we will be focusing on RSHE for our home learning. We have covered this topic in Block C and there is some information on the knowledge organiser.  


The three questions for this week are:

What makes you special?


How can you help someone if they are feeling left out?


What does it mean to be inclusive? Can you give an example of a problem and a resolution linked to inclusivity?  


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 8.2.22


This week we will be focusing on Music for our home learning. We have covered this topic in Block C and there is some information on the knowledge organiser.  


The three questions for this week are:


Can you clap to a rhythm found in a familiar song?


Can you sing a song (of your choice) from memory that you could share in school?


What does tempo mean?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 1.2.22


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


Can you remember why we use spreadsheets?


What is a binary tree?


How can we represent data using computers?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 25.1.22


This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is a cartoon?


Can you remember an artist who was known for creating pieces of ‘Pop Art’?


How do you create pastel colours?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


DONATIONS NEEDED- Old comic books/magazines to be used for collage in our group artwork over the next few weeks! Please bring as when.  (Age appropriate please). 


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 18.1.22


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is electricity?


Why can an electric shock be dangerous?


What must you remember when you create an electric circuit?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


In addition for to this home learning, can your child please bring in some family photos (current) to help with our RSHE lesson on Thursday next week. We will be looking at "Our special people" those people who are important to us and why. 


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 11.1.22


This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What countries can be found in the British Isles?


Can you name the capital cities for each country in the British Isles?


What are some of the famous landmarks located in the British Isles?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Hello and happy new year! We just wanted to say thank you for the cards and gifts at the end of term and we hope you have enjoyed your Christmas break. Mrs Hoiles and Mrs Holmes


Apologies for the late upload but please find below some photos taken from Block B's learning. 


Date- 07.12.21


This week we will be focusing on English for our home learning. Use everything you have been learning in English so far to help you answer these questions.


The three questions for this week are:


Can you explain what an ‘information text' is? What is it for? What is it not?


Name the structural features of an ‘information text'? How is it organised and why?


What information texts can you find? 



You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school next Monday


Extra challenge- Our classroom is in need of some festive cheer. We have taken inspiration from a child in hedgehogs who made their own wreath and thought what other decorations could we make? It would be lovely if each child had a go at making a decoration to bring in next week to decorate our class- theme natural. Some ideas: decorated twigs, pine cones, paper. We look forward to seeing each child’s creations! 


*Remember* Complete your Reading Planner and see where you are against our Reading Challenge to earn yourself a new book!

Date: 30.11.21


This week we will be focusing on Music for our home learning. We have covered this topic in Block B and there is some information on the knowledge organiser.  


The three questions for this week are:


Can you find the pulse of a familiar song?


What musical instruments can you hear in the song “Suspicious minds- Elvis Presley”? (synthesizer/piano/voice/drum/violin/guitar) link here for the song-


What does pitch mean?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 23.11.21


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


Can you remember what a digital footprint is?


Can you complete the task set as a2do? Task – Digital foot print quiz and poster (digital footprint slideshow- for reference).


What is an email and when  might we use them?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 16.11.21


This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What can you remember about Matisse’s artwork?


What is the difference between organic and geometric shapes?


What are complimentary colours and what tool could you use to help you find out?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


In addition to Art there are some Maths tasks set on TTRS and Purple Mash for your child/ren to complete to build their fluency. 


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Apologies for this being late, technical issues. 

Date: 9.11.21


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is a habitat?


Can you describe a pond habitat and think of creatures that will live there?


Can you think of the food chain for creatures who live in a pond habitat?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles


Date: 2.11.21


This week we will be focusing on History for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What is an empire?


How far did the Roman Empire reach?


What technologies did the Roman Empire use to create their civilisation? Think of construction and sanitation.


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Take a look at what we have been doing in Hedgehogs during Block A.

Date: 19.10.21


This week we will be focusing on Music for our home learning. We have covered this topic in Block A and there is some information on the knowledge organiser.  


The three questions for this week are:


Can you give a few examples of music in the style of South Africa?


What musical instruments can you hear in the songs “You Can Call Me Al” or "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"? (synthesizer/piano/voice/drum/violin)

Here are the links for the songs-You Can Call Me Al and The Lion Sleeps Tonight

For those who struggle with identifying the individual sounds- Purple Mash- 2Do- 2sequence may help explore some of the different sounds and instruments.


What does rhythm and pulse mean?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles


Date: 12.10.21


This week we will be focusing on Computing for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


Can you label the digestive system using a computer program? (Purple mash- 2Do)


What do we call a precise set of instructions when coding?


Could you design a code to complete the race? (Purple mash- 2Do- Snail Race).


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday. All Purple Mash tasks need to be completed and handed in please so I can see and acknowledge it. 


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 5.10.21


This week we will be focusing on Art for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What can you remember about Klee’s artwork?


What is the difference between tints and shades?


Could you create your own Kadinsky style artwork (concentric circles) using cool or warm colours?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 28.9.21


This week we will be focusing on Science for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What can you do to keep healthy?


Why do we have a skeleton?


Could you draw a skeleton and label some of the bones? Here are some words to help: skull, backbone, rib, finger bone, hip bone, toe bone and kneecap.


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles

Date: 21.9.21


This week we will be focusing on Geography for our home learning. 


The three questions for this week are:


What can you use a compass for?


Why are there symbols and a key on a map?


Could you locate a country in the Northern Hemisphere and a country in the Southern Hemisphere using a map?


You can choose to answer one, two or all three questions! I look forward to seeing whatever you choose to complete in school on Monday.


Kind regards,


Mrs Hoiles
