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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Our Class Blog 2020 - 2021


What a lovely final week it has been! I have been so impressed with the children's attitude and enthusiasm over the last few days, despite the heat and the fact that the holidays are on the horizon! 

On Monday, the children enjoyed their Marble Treat. They did some playdough, watercolour painting and other activities in the classroom. Then, on Tuesday they worked incredibly hard to improve the outdoor areas. Take a look at the photos below.  


Thank you to all of the parents and carers for making this a year to remember. This class are so special and are a credit to you all. 


Have a lovely summer,

Mr Webster 


This week, the children practised their sketching skills when they created pictures of lions. Using the artwork 'Lion and Monarchs' by Adonna Khare as inspiration, the children used different grades of pencil to create light and dark shades. Take a look at some thier amazing artwork below. 


Mr Webster 


What a busy but amazing week! As part of our Design Technology learning, the children designed, made and evaluated some salads. They picked which vegetables they wanted and wrote the instructions for their recipe before making it. Some children even put in our very own home grown lettuce and radishes! It was great to see lots of children practising and getting better at new skills, such as peeling. 


Take a look at some pictures below of the yummy salads the children made. 


Have a lovely half term,

Mr Webster


In science, the children have been learning about different plants and flowers. They have spent time sharing their current understanding and investigating the school environment. This week, the children went outside and sketched different flowers that they saw. They then used different cards to identify what they had found and labelled their pictures correctly. 


Great learning, Rabbits!

Mr Webster


We welcomed the children back to Rabbits on Monday morning and immediately started learning some sewing! The children spent time learning about the running stitch and then had plenty of time to thread their needles and practise their skills. After a while, the children designed and then made their very own superhero badge. I was so impressed with what the children came up with! 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Webster


This week in maths, the children have been developing their understanding of volume and capacity. They started the week by learning that capacity is the amount that a container can hold and used sand, water and rice to demonstrate this. Later in the week, the children compared the volume of rice in pairs of identical containers using the symbols <, > and =. They also calculated how many spoons of rice it took to fill the containers completely. Great learning this week, Rabbits!


Thank you and have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Webster


What a lovely first week back we have had! I have been so impressed with how well the children have come back to school, ready to learn and so excited to get started.


From Tuesday 16th March, I will be setting the Home Learning in the form of an assignment on Teams. New homework will always be set on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday. I will send home a Home Learning book with your child next week so they can complete the tasks in there.


Please make sure that jumpers (PE ones and school jumpers) have your child's name in them. The children are starting to take them off during PE and it can be hard to give them back to the right child if they are unnamed. I have two in the classroom from Monday's PE lesson, so if you think one might be yours, please let Mrs Webber or myself know. 


Thank you and have a lovely weekend, 

Mr Webster


The children have been busy learning about the story of Grace Darling. As part of this learning, they thought about what a stormy sea she must have sailed through to rescue the sailors from the shipwreck and represented this through a collage.

Have a look at the amazing collages that the children made!


Mr Webster


What a lovely party day we had today! The children came to school full of excitement and enthusiasm and couldn't wait to get started! After some colouring and exercise, they made their party hats and then played a few different games. Mrs Green then delivered some presents which had been left at school by Santa which the children opened. After lunch and a few more games, the children relaxed in front of a film. What a lovely day!


Can I just say a big thank you to all of the parents for supporting the children so much during this term. The effort you have put in at home has certainly made a big difference to the children's attainment and progress since we came back in September and I am thrilled with where they are with their learning.   

I'd like to also say thank you for the kind words and donations that you have given myself, Mrs Webber, Mrs Hawkins and Mrs Calvert. We are all enjoying this year so much and watching your children grow and develop is a privilege. 


Have a lovely Christmas and we will see you on the 4th January. 

Mr Webster


For this week's Home Learning, I would like you to have a go at the 'Hit The Button' game below. Click on the link and then select the 'Number Bonds' option. Some children will just need to practise bonds to 10, whereas others will be able to have a go at bonds to 20. Pick the one your child is most comfortable with.


It would also be really helpful if you could review with your child how to write their full name (first and second name). Lots of children are trying to use cursive writing now but are trying to join everything together. In class today I showed them that the capital letters do not get joined with the rest of the word and that the first and second names are also separate. 


Thank you and have a good weekend,

Mr Webster.


Look at our amazing Christmas outfits that we wore today for the Santa dash! Thank you to everyone who contributed some money to help our link school in Uganda.   


For this week's Home Learning, please complete the MyMaths activities that I have set you. The activities link closely to the learning that we have been completing this week.


Thank you and have a good weekend,

Mr Webster.


This morning we had a very special visitor come to Trinity - Father Christmas! The children posted their letters to him in the post box and then had the chance to ask him some different questions. We found out that he has over 1000 reindeer!  


For this week's Home Learning, please spend some time looking at the attached Knowledge Mat for this half term. We have covered most of the content on the mat, so talk it through with them and then maybe do a quiz! Your child might also be able to tell you lots of different information about India. 

We have also begun focussing on numbers up to 100. It would be really helpful if you could do some counting with your child, forwards and backwards. When counting backwards, please focus on crossing a tens boundary, for example 72, 71, 70, 69, 68 - this is the tricky bit!


Thank you and have a good weekend,

Mr Webster.


This week in maths, the children have been finding ways of counting larger groups of items. On Monday, they were asked to fill small containers with objects, such as coins, bottle tops or buttons, and then to count them. They children put the objects into groups of ten, then used this as a basis for finding out how many items there were. Next, they were given some wrapping paper with a repeating pattern of objects on. They used pegs to mark each item and then grouped the pegs into tens to help make the counting much easier. 



For this week's Home Learning, please spend some time completing the money game from the website below. There are activities for sorting, ordering and counting money on the website and it would be worth trying to do each of them if you can.  


Thank you and have a good weekend,

Mr Webster.


This afternoon Rabbits had their first Marble Treat! They came to school in their pyjama tops and had a lovely time playing games, including musical statues and bumps, going in the role play area and also looking after some very sweet cuddly animals. Take a look at the photos below to see all the fun that was had! 

Have a great weekend,

Mr Webster


For this week's Home Learning, please complete the activity on MyMaths which will support the children's learning about length.


Additionally, we have been learning about money in maths this week and have introduced the different coins to the children. If you have coins at home, show them to the children and see if they can recognise their value. We have begun talking about pounds and pence and the children should know that we can say, for example, 6 pence or 6p.  


Thank you,

Mr Webster.


For this week's Home Learning, see if you and your child can do some measuring. Get some items, such as pasta shells, and choose an object. Line the pasta shells up against the object you choose and see how many shells it is long and wide.


Some children might be interested in beginning to use a ruler. We have not covered this in class, but you might want to introduce it at home. 


As usual, please try to spend a couple of minutes each day with your child going through their words in their word tin. 


Thank you and have a good weekend,

Mr Webster.


This week the children have been learning about length in maths. We have encouraged them to use words such as 'long', 'short', 'longer', 'shorter' and 'width' when measuring and comparing different items in the classroom.

Mr Webster


What a fantastic half term! I've enjoyed every second of teaching your children over the last 7 weeks and it has been great to see how much they have come on with their learning. 

Over half term, it would be very helpful if you could keep up with these things if you can. Just a few minutes each days would be great!

  • key words in tins.
  • reading (use Oxford Owl online to help)
  • writing simple sentences
  • number recognition to 20. 

I will also put on this page our Knowledge Mat from this half term for you to have a look at with your children too. 


Thank you for your support and have a great half term,

Mr Webster. 


This week during our afternoons, Rabbits have been doing some Design Technology. At the start of the week, the children investigated how to make simple sliders and levers using a range of resources, such as split pins, scissors and masking tape. They then designed a card for someone in their family incorporating one of the elements before making and evaluating it. Take a look at some pictures below. 

Mr Webster


Over the past couple of weeks, the children have been learning The Lord's Prayer and some accompanying actions. Click the link below to take a look at the video!


For this week's Home Learning, I would like you to complete the activity called 'Making Shapes and Patterns' that your child will bring home with them today. An accompanying letter and instruction sheet will be included. This activity will get them ready for our maths learning about 2d shapes next week. It would be helpful if you could talk about these shapes: square, oblong, triangle, circle. 


Also, please try to spend a couple of minutes each day with your child going through their words in their word tin. Every few minutes helps!


Thank you and have a good weekend,

Mr Webster.


For this week's Home Learning, I would like the children to practise their number recognition. Click the link to the 'Blast Off' game below and pick a level. Start with numbers 10-20, but feel free to move onto other levels if your child is ready.


Have a good weekend,

Mr Webster.


This week in English we have been working on the story 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'. After learning the first part of the story off by heart, the children then adapted it and created their own story map. Instead of a tiger coming to tea, we have had various animals, including unicorns, worms, lion and a duck billed platypus! Here are some pictures showing the children's work. 

Mr Webster


For this week's Home Learning, I have set a 2do on Purple Mash. When you log on, you will see a bell on the top bar. It should have a red notification on it saying there is a 2do called 'Adding up to 20'. Help your child to work through the different questions, using the onscreen number line to help. You could also provide your child with other resources to help their counting, such as buttons. 

It would be really helpful if you could ask your child to tell you the number that is the answer as we have been learning a lot about the numbers 11-20. 


Thank you and have a lovely weekend,

Mr Webster 


This week in maths, we have been largely focussing on making and recognising the numbers 1-20. The children used various resources, such as Numicon and bottle tops, to make 'growing patterns'. They were then able to link their patterns to the numerals using number cards. They learnt about which numbers are 'teen numbers' and why we call them this. If you get a chance, please review this at home as that would be really helpful. 

Mr Webster


For this week's Home Learning, I would like the children to complete the counting activity on MyMaths. The login details are in the children's planner and are also on the letter that the children brought home today. Please complete the activity by next Friday and I will go online and see how they got on.

On the second page of the activity, there will be a couple of questions the children might not be sure about. Feel free to leave these or use them as a short teaching point at home.


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Webster 


Rabbits have now started their topic called 'Marvellous Me!'. Today we started talking about the senses and focussed on sight. The children learnt about different parts of the eye and went on a walk around the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn. 


For this week's Home Learning, I would like the children to access Purple Mash and create a picture. 


  • Search for Purple Mash and then log in using their username and password. The children all did this during our Computing lesson this week. I know it's tempting to do it for them, but please encourage them to try on their own even if it takes a little while. 
  • Click on 'Tools' and then 'Paint Projects'. 
  • Choose a picture and colour it. 
  • Click the 'Save' icon (the disc) and save it into 'My Work'. That way I can see them and we can have a look in class. 


Have fun!

Mr Webster


Here are some pictures showing some of the activities that the children have been doing over the past couple of days. I have been some impressed with how they've come back to school. They've been so enthusiastic, keen to learn and thoughtful, it's been a real pleasure! 


What a wonderful first day! The children have been amazing and have loved being back at school. It's been so lovely to see them and I have a feeling it's going to be a great year! Here are a few pictures from today. 
