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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

Our Class Blog 2020 - 2021

End of Year 4.


Thank you to all the parents for such kind and supportive comments, both in private and on public forums, this year. It was a very challenging year for the children. staff and of course parents - with home schooling, bubbles, restrictions and so much more. Your children have been a real credit to themselves and have displayed our values of 'Faith, Hope and Love' in all their behaviours, in school and in public. When on our trip, they excelled showing such wonderful manners and real grace. And on our return to school stayed positive and optimistic as they ready themselves for their next chapter. Change always brings anxiety and worry and it is how we chose to respond that reveals our characters, what role models your children are to us all. 


It has been a pleasure to help your children ready themselves for Middle School in such a short and interrupted amount of time, I have faith that they are ready and will exceed beyond all expectations.


Enjoy your summer together as families and friends. I wish you all the best for the future.



'Now faith is the assurance of all things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.'

Hebrews 11.1



'Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.'

Romans 12.12



'Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, but you destroy yourself when you are cruel.'

Proverbs 11:17

Osmington Bay.  Day 1.

Good morning everyone! 
We have woken up to a beautiful view!
Just wanted to let you know that we are all safe and well and having an amazing time!  We are all refreshed after a good nights sleep. Yesterday we went dragon boating. It was such fun. We just managed to get our racing finished before it started to rain.  
After tea we did a picture scavenger hunt, but the rain stopped play.  
The food is amazing and we are all ready for another fun packed day! 


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

14.05.2021 - Hues, shades, tints and colours!


A superb Art session this week, with some deep learning about the differences between hues, tints, shades and colours. We learned that what we thought colour was, it really wasn't at all! Building on our colour mixing knowledge from Year 3, it was great to see the children reflect on how to use this procedural knowledge when emulating our artist Georgia O'Keeffe and analysing her work. 

07.05.2021 - Stamina and burst speed!


Year 4 are back blogging!


This week's post is all about PE! We have been learning all about stamina in PE through our athletics! Our value of Hope was really important here, reflecting on perseverance and not giving up even when it's tough! We did try, but it took some serious self-regulation!



All Online Learning is now found on our Microsoft Teams page.

Friday 18th December 2020


Well, we made it. How a year and a half has flown!! All I can say is thank you! What an amazing class of kids and a credit to all of you. We have been through a lot together and made it to the other side. All the phone calls and support you have given has been amazing. 

I will miss everyone a lot but hope to see you all again some day soon. 


Have a lovely Christmas with families and friends, 


Thank you again and take care, 


Mr Jones

Friday 11th December 2020


Happy Friday everyone! I cannot believe we are going into our final week of this half term. Owls have wowed us this week with their talents. Dancing, singing and acting. Everyone has had an important part to play in the Nativity. 


Please have a look at some of our pictures from this week! The wire and buzzer games are so impressive. 


Thank you for all the sponsorship donations for Uganda. The children were so speedy on the run :)


Home Learning- Quite simply, perform an act of kindness every day this week. Spread the joy of Christmas!


Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone for our final week, 


Take care, 

Mr Jones

Buddy the Elf has been very naughty this week...

Friday 4th December 2020


Another great week in Owls! Lots of preparation for Christmas, Owls created their own decorations for the classroom and learned how to make paper snowflakes. They also wrote a letter to Santa and posted it in his special post-box today....  

A grammar focus in English this week, looking at embedded clauses, fronted adverbials and prefixes. In Maths we continued to learn about fractions and in particular, equivalent fractions. E.g. 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6 


Home Learning- There will be another times table quiz next week on all the times tables! Please can you practise with your child and on TTRockstars :)


Check out the pictures from today! (see below)


Enjoy your weekend, take care, 


Mr Jones

Christmas has come to Trinity!

Friday 27th November 2020


Happy Friday! 


This week, the children learned more about fractions. The difference between unit and non-unit fractions, ordering fractions with the same denominator, as well as adding and subtracting fractions!! Lots to remember. We will be revisiting fractions again next week :) 


In English, the children have been learning how to write suspense pieces. Using all the features they know for suspense! For spellings the children have been looking at homophones (seen, scene). Learning that the words can sound the same but have different meanings. 


There has been photos added below of the children's DT project!


Home Learning

Please see the attachment below to review the knowledge mat for this topic!

Continue to revise times tables as there will be a quiz in 2 weeks time :)


Have a lovely weekend, 


Mr Jones

Ancient Egypt knowledge mat

Brainstorming new logo ideas for Trinity!

The children created the electrical component of their wire buzzer game!

This years non- negotiable words :)

Friday 20th November 2020


Happy Friday! What a fun marble treat. Well earned by everyone. All of the displays of talent were amazing! The children were very fair with their scoring and the results were extremely close. Each child had a TGT score card, taking care to judge fairly. We even had hot chocolate and marshmallows on our interval.

To finish, each score card was added into a total score for each performance. Mrs Green then gave out the certificates to our winners! 

Again I am so pleased with every child's effort today and repeat Mrs Green's words that they, "are all stars in our eyes!"


Home Learning

For this week, MyMaths has been updated with some new tasks. Please try and complete the tasks for next Friday :)


Have a fantastic weekend!


Mr Jones

TGT-Trinity's Got Talent!!

Friday 13th November 2020


Another great week for Owls. In maths the children recapped time in all its forms (e.g. 24 hour, analogue, digital). Please take a look at this with your child at home. Telling the time is learned through practise!

In english the children finished their newspaper reports. They were based on an Egyptian tomb found in Verwood! 


Thank you all for your time on Wednesday. It was great to catch up and share how the children are getting on :) 


Home Learning- Research hieroglyphics and learn how to spell your name!


Have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday, 


Take care, 

Mr Jones

Friday 6th October 2020


Welcome back! Although these are tough times, the children are showing great resilience and having a lot of fun in School. Take a look at some of the pictures taken this week :)


We have started our new topic Egyptians. The children have found it very interesting and have a lot to share on the topic. Everyone is looking forward to investigating this! 


Home Learning- Research Ancient Egypt and record your findings on the PurpleMash factfile. This has been set as a 2DO. As an extra activity for the next couple of weeks can you ask your child about the bus stop method for division. We will be continuing the new method next week, so it will be useful to revisit the learning at home as well.

Learning ball control during our Netball lesson!

Friday 23rd October 2020


Happy half term everyone! I have to say a big thank you to the kids for being so resilient to the new changes but also for everyone at home. Our attendance has been great and it really does make all the difference :)


Please have a good rest and recharge, ready for the coming half term. 


Home learning is attached below! Owls are great artists so I look forward to the result. Thank you for practising the poems with the kids from last week. They were amazing in class!!


Stay safe and take care, 


Mr Jones

Home Learning- design a Christmas Card for our competition and learn from our knowledge mat!

Friday 16th October 2020


The children have worked very hard this week for various different rewards. In the end it was their show of kindness that shone through. 

We have been learning about poems this week with a focus on similes. Owl's knowledge in this area have wowed many different adults and earned the class marbles towards their reward. Well done Owls for being great role models!

In maths there has been a lot of times tables revision and multiplication recap. The children have persevered and the lessons have been great fun :) In PE I look forward to our lesson next Friday which will be competition matches. Allowing every person to show off their skill in Hockey.

Owls continue to amaze. Moving into our final week of this half term we hope to have more fantastic lessons and fun filled learning. 


Home Learning challenge this week is to learn a poem. A poem of your choice..... feel free to add actions! We will share them on Friday 23rd October!!


Have a lovely, well rested weekend, 


Mr Jones

Multiplication and times table practise on the playground :D

Sketching from observation this week!

Friday 9th October 2020


This week in Owl's class we have been working towards a 'hot' write. The children came up with their own chapter for the story Varjak Paw. Using different literary techniques, the children wrote amazing pieces of learning. Using lots of rich description, short sentences and rhetorical questions, the children created suspense and drama to their writing. 

In Maths we continued to review multiplication and stretched to working with three digit numbers. HTU x U. We used the column method and although many children found this a tricky concept, they persevered. Some children really benefitted from practising more sums at home so discuss the concept with your child please.

The children also researched Black History Month and what it means to us. They learned about many amazing people and impressed myself and Mrs Green with their knowledge. Well done Owls!!


Check out the pictures below- the children created artwork in the style of Hundertwasser. A forward thinking architect who loved bright bold colours and thinking outside the box. 


Home Learning- TTRockstars- there are times tables assigned every week, please focus on this for Home Learning.


Thank you again for all your support at home,


Take care,


Mr Jones



Hundertwasser pictures!

Friday 2nd October 2020


In Owls this week we were rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 in Maths. Using number lines to help us as well as the 'stair' method. Remembering that when we get to 5 the only way is up. Ask the children for context...


We continued reading Varjak Paw and the children wrote a story about an animal that was set free for the first time. Remembering to write with the theme of suspense. Short sentences, ellipsis, questions and rich description are all features of a suspense piece of writing. In Art we researched the artist Hundertwasser. How he came to be an artist and the great things he did for the environment. The children will be creating a piece in his style over the next couple of weeks. Exciting! The children's hockey skills are improving with every week!


*Times tables are still a big focus as we begin multiplication next week. Any extra practise for the children will help them out hugely :)


Home Learning- MyMaths tasks have been set. Please make sure your child is up to date with all the homework, thank you.


Have a fantastic weekend. Hopefully the weather forecast isn't true!


Mr Jones

Friday 25th September 2020


This week in Owls class, the children recapped formal methods for adding and subtracting 2/ 3 digit numbers. Although tricky to begin with, everyone persevered. In English we read more of our class novel 'Varjak Paw' and tried to get a more in-depth understanding of Varjak's character, thoughts and feelings. 

In computing there was some tricky coding to be done but I am happy to say that we accomplished our task as a team! In Geography the children learned more about time zones and in Science they completed some great learning related to circuits. Very impressed how quickly everyone understood the difference between a closed circuit and an open circuit. 


Each week is making a huge difference to the children and we are having lots of light bulb moments. Many thanks again for all your efforts during home schooling as this has helped immensely!


Have a lovely weekend, 


Mr Jones


Home Learning


Complete the MyMaths task set. It will recap this weeks and last weeks learning in class.

Friday 18th September 2020


Well done for another amazing week. Everyone has adapted well to the change and I have to say I am very proud of them this week. The children concentrated and did their best with the different papers. They have been learning about Electricity in Science, non-renewable and renewable sources, and how to build a complete circuit. In Geography they have been learning about time zones, including latitudinal lines and what they mean. For computing the children have recapped on coding. Some very impressive creations! 

Lots of fun and plenty of laughter this week. Have plenty of rest, ready for another busy week!


Enjoy your weekend, 


Mr Jones


Home Learning


- Log on to PurpleMash and complete the 2DO- It is practise for the coming weeks computing- Thank you!

The children used charcoal to sketch from observation. A very relaxing afternoon :)

Role play during RE! The children acted out a scene from the Garden of Eden.

Friday 11th September


What a fantastic week. The time has flown and we have completed our first week back at School! Owls have come back brilliantly and have taken everything in their stride! Really well done!!


  • Please don't forget to have a look at our class meeting PPT on the other Owl's page. 


  • Although no Home Learning has officially been set, the children do have tasks on TTRockstars to have a go at!


It has been so great to see the kids back and having fun with friends. They're resilience and perseverance have been super. Lots of discussions and making sure feelings are shared to make sure there is no worry in the classroom. 


I am  sure they are all ready for a good rest this weekend. I look forward to seeing them again on Monday :) 


Mr Jones

Welcome back Owls!
