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Trinity Church of England

First School

Growing in Faith, Hope and Love


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance


Forgiveness - Compassion - Thankfulness


In God - In Integrity - In Justice


Positivity - Optimism - Perseverance

School Uniform

School Uniform and Equipment


Our school logo comprises three interlocking gold rings. These represent the special importance of the Christian Holy Trinity of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, each linked with bonds of love to form the unity of our faith.


Our uniform is simple but distinctive and we believe offers choice to children and parents. We recognise that children grow quickly and that parents require choice in where to purchase basic items. We are very proud of our school uniform and logo and would respectfully ask parents to purchase the polo shirts, sweatshirts, book bags, gym bags and baseball caps from the school office, so the children feel very much part of the whole school.


Children can wear: 


White polo-shirt with the school logo (£7.50).

Jade sweatshirt with the school logo (£11.99).

Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore as appropriate.

In the summer: girls may choose to wear a summer dress in yellow check or stripes.

A sun hat:  We strongly recommend that children have a hat in school to protect them from the harmful effects of the sun in summer.  Baseball style caps with the school logo (£3.25).


School Shoes


Children need to wear sensible shoes with their uniform. No trainers, slip-ons or open-toes sandals please. Please consider Velcro fastenings until your child can manage shoe-laces!


Physical Education


It is essential that children change for physical education (P.E.) lessons and have all the necessary kit in school:


Indoor PE:  Navy shorts, white t-shirt or polo-shirt, plimsolls and spare socks


Outdoor PE: Navy jogging bottoms, sweatshirt, trainers and spare socks.


Special PE wear:  From time to time, children take part in sports coaching with specialist instructors and may need more specific PE wear. We will let you know when this is necessary.


Earrings and jewellery:  All jewellery must be removed for PE. We ask that children do not wear earrings on the day they have PE. If they do, they must be able to remove them independently. Please note:  If your child’s ears have recently been pierced, they will be unable to take part in PE for 6 weeks until they can be taken out. It is therefore strongly advisable to wait until the beginning of the long summer holiday if you are planning to have your child’s ears pierced.


Long hair:  Children with long hair must have it tied back for PE lessons and therefore need to have a spare hair-band in their PE kit.


P.E. Kit Bag:  Please provide a named PE kit bag which will hang on your child’s peg. The best are drawstring kit bags with the school logo (£3.50). It is advisable to keep a completely separate kit bag for After School sports clubs.




Book bags with the Trinity logo (£4.50). These are the best way for your child to carry books to and from school and fit into their drawers in the classrooms.


Clothing Grants


We offer support with uniform to families who can claim for Free school Meals. If you are in receipt of Income Support (IS), Employment Support Allowance (Income related ASA / IRA), Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (IB JSA), Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit, Support under Part VI of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999 or Child Tax Credit, provided you are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income (as assessed by the Inland Revenue) which does not exceed £16,190, please speak in confidence to the Office staff for details.


Lost Property


Help avoid lost property!  Please name everything your child brings to school and show them where you have sewn or marked their name. Any lost items that are not labelled will be taken to a charity shop. Labels are available various online companies, including namemark.
